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Lawrence HillA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.
Book Two opens in London again, with Aminata ruminating on Sir Stanley Hastings, whom she calls “the jolly abolitionist” (99). He is very kind to her: when he “opens his arms wide,” it is as if he can comfort her sorrows with “his ample belly” (99). The abolitionists call her their equal, but she sees their interest in financial compensation for the loss of revenue. Even worse, they seek only to abolish the slave trade, not slavery itself, a position Aminata abhors. By contrast, John Clarkson, the abolitionist who brought her to London, is more idealistic, thus the others do not heed him. He worries that they are tiring her, while the other men offer condescension in their attempt to be kind. After each meeting, they give her gifts: candy, books and newspapers, ink and a quill. Afterwards, Clarkson escorts her home, and she thinks about writing her life story. She thinks about the unknown readers who will someday pick up her book. It is this desire which gives her purpose, and which will give meaning to her life.
Chapter Six returns to the past, as the slave ship arrives at Sullivan’s Island, with only one hundred captives left alive. Aminata has become ill—she believes she is dying, but Biton brings her food and urges her to eat. The captives are cold, unused to the Northern climate, and spend most of their days waiting. Aminata is with Biton, Chekura, Fomba, Fanta, and a young woman named Oumou. They sleep close together for warmth, but Aminata shuns Fanta—she cannot forget what Fanta did on the ship. She tries to pray, but Biton warns that she will be beaten. She asks if the homelanders, her people, will come to save them. No, Biton says. Gradually, thoughts of Allah and prayer fade. One night she awakens to see Oumou and Biton having sex, and she recalls hearing her parents’ sexual encounters. They are fed well because they are being fattened up in order to be sold. They are required to oil themselves, in order to appear healthy. Aminata continues to have diarrhea, so her captors force a clump of earth into her anus. The captives are loaded onto a ship heading to the white mainland. They land in Charles Town (the pre-Revolutionary War name for Charleston, South Carolina). Everywhere she sees black Africans, “homelanders” (110), dressed in bright clothing, carrying goods, shouting, even laughing. She notices they have no shackles. There are whites everywhere, too, as well as goods of all kinds, like grain, hay, and livestock.
The healthy captives are sold first. Chekura is “pulled away from her,” as are Biton and Fanta (111). Aminata remains with the old, weak, and infirm, including Fomba, whose mind is now gone. They are the “refuse captives” (115), and one by one, they are lined up and tied to one another. They are fastened to a cart and made to walk for miles on end with no food or water; they are forced to relieve themselves as they walk. The next morning the march continues, and everywhere Aminata sees other homelanders, some in chains, some in ropes, some unescorted. She tries to find others from her land, but the whites watch closely to prevent the blacks from communicating with one another. A slave named Nyeba, who speaks Bamanankan, tells her she will find her missing friends in “the fishnet” (121), but they are interrupted by an overseer before she can explain. Later, after being loaded onto a canoe, a native-born black man explains that “the fishnet” is a secret message conduit for enslaved people to find relatives and friends. He also tells her she is African, a word she does not recognize. She is someone else’s property now, he explains, and she must no longer pray or she will be beaten. The canoe then arrives on land and an armed homelander takes the prisoners away.
Cold and injured, Aminata and Fomba stumble onto Robinson Appleby’s indigo plantation on St. Helena’s island, South Carolina. It is January 1757, and she is about twelve years old. All around her, Aminata sees men, women, and children in all shades of brown. The women have all kinds of hairstyles and wear colorful headscarves. They are cooking. It has been six months since Aminata experienced food that smells good. Keeping watch is one white man, with a blond woman by his side. An elderly, well-dressed negro helper stands watch too, wielding his cane like a weapon when necessary. Later she learns his name is Mamed.
Aminata, very ill, collapses during a body search as they try to spread open her legs. A strong woman scoops her up and carries her to a thatched cottage. The woman tends to her, and Aminata sleeps soundly for the first time in months. In the morning, she comes upon Fomba, and tries to explain to the woman, in her native tongue, who they are and where they are from. But Aminata realizes it is she who must learn the language—this black woman is a native and only knows English. Her name is Georgia, and she cannot pronounce Aminata’s name, which now becomes “Meena” (127). She teaches Aminata the ways of the plantation and also how to speak English. There are two forms, Gullah, the language of the native-born enslaved people, as well as the form to use with whites. She cautions Aminata never to teach Gullah to the whites.
While cleaning the indigo vats for Mamed, Aminata hears her father’s voice, guiding her. She grows healthier, and her menstruation resumes. She and Georgia go together to deliver babies after Aminata proves her expertise delivering twins for a Fulfulde slave on a neighboring island. Georgia is also valued for her medicinal and healing skills, and always asks for some form of payment for her midwifery, especially Peruvian bark, which has great healing properties. She uses this plant to inoculate Aminata against the pox.
When the indigo is ready, all the slaves harvest the plants. The smell is putrid and the work is exhausting and unending. Appleby watches Aminata, and later he questions her. She answers simply, just as she was instructed to by Georgia. When she accidentally drops a sack of indigo powder, Mamed is about to beat her when he hears her utter a prayer to Allah. He responds in Arabic, and tells her to visit him later; he befriends her and starts teaching her to read and write. Upon Aminata’s advice, Mamed allows Fomba to build a canoe, and also to row and fish. The other slaves begin to accept his strange ways and admire his usefulness. Aminata also reconnects with Chekura who has found her through the fishnet and comes while she is away, studying with Mamed. The second time he visits, Aminata runs into the woods and finds him hiding, waiting for her. She throws herself into his arms. He is sexually aroused but also protective, as she is not ready to be fully a woman. He gives her a red headscarf as a gift, and after this visit, he comes once a month, sneaking away from his plantation on Lady’s island. Appleby gets wind of the visits, and he rapes Aminata to punish her. The black cook, “Happy Jack,” appears (161), and carries her, bleeding and battered, back to Georgia’s hut.
After the rape, Aminata is careful never to be alone with Appleby, while he turns his attentions to a new slave named Sally. Two years pass, and Aminata dreams of escape, learning all she can from Mamed and Georgia in the meantime, and honoring the spirit of her mother and father. Eventually, Chekura’s touch awakens Aminata’s burgeoning sexual desire, and their relationship becomes physical. When Georgia discovers that Aminata is pregnant, she warns her not to reveal Chekura’s name to Appleby. And, to protect the baby from being taken, she must be able to give it milk.
One day during indigo season, Appleby comes by with two visitors, William King, the well-known slave trader, and Solomon Lindo, an indigo inspector. Lindo takes an interest in Aminata, and when the others are not looking, her tricks her into revealing that she knows how to read. He says he will not reveal her secret. Later, she learns that he has tried to buy her from Appleby, but her master refused.
Aminata and Chekura get married by jumping the broom, a black tradition witnessed by all the enslaved people on the plantation, complete with gifts, music, and food. When Appleby discovers her pregnancy, he punishes her by burning all her gifts, all her clothes, and beating her. He humiliates her further by shaving her head in front of all her fellow slaves. As she walks proudly to her hut, he reminds her that he owns her baby. When Aminata gives birth, she names the baby Mamadu, after her father, and the other slaves pay their respects. She is angry when Appleby sees the baby before Chekura does. Fourteen days later, when her husband finally comes to visit, he explains that a new overseer is cracking down on slaves’ nightly wanderings. Aminata, allowed to rest for only one week, must return to half-time work after that. One day, when Mamadu is just ten months old, Appleby sells him in the middle of the night. The fishnet turns up nothing—the baby has gone beyond the reach of their secret network. Now Chekura no longer visits, and Aminata is convinced she has failed him. Depressed, she catches a fever. She is nursed back to health by Georgia, but she has lost the will to live. She stops working no matter how many times Appleby beats her. In the end, he gives up and sells her to Solomon Lindo.
Longing for her baby and her husband, Aminata arrives in Charles Town and recognizes its putrid smell: it is the place she was brought to when she first arrived in America. Lindo begins instructing her in the ways of the town. He prefers the term “servant,” he says, not “slave” (187). He tells her that she may now speak “properly”—she asks whether that means “talk[ing] like the white folks.” (187). He has figured out her abilities, and explains that he is a Jew and is therefore an “outsider” like her (188), an idea she doubts but finds fascinating. They live above his shop, and Aminata receives a kind welcome, almost as if she were a guest. She meets Dolly, their only other slave, who fears Aminata will replace her, despite Mrs. Lindo’s reassurances. Following Dolly in her errands, Aminata must get used to the stench of the city, the rotting food, human waste, and the corpses. She learns to be extra careful when out without Dolly, as men of all colors grab at her.
Aminata now grows accustomed to her life: she eats well, sleeps more, and works less than she has since being enslaved. Lindo informs her that he will to continue to teach her, and that she will learn accounting. In the mornings, she will work on his books; in the afternoons, she will earn money as a midwife, from which wages she will pay him ten shillings a week on a “self-hire system” (200). He seems to value her, and claims to want to “lift [her] up,” and teach her to use her “God-given abilities,” (201). They discuss the Bible and the Qur’an. But Aminata does not trust her new master. She learns quickly and as a reward he gives her Gulliver’s Travels, which she says, “looks as good as Exodus” (204). He tells her that Jews, Muslims and Christians all share the Exodus story in their holy books.
Lindo’s income derives both from his salary as an Inspector, but also the fees he collects from plantation owners who pay for his services. As Aminata practices midwifery, she wears a tin badge on her chest to show she has the right to “travel about town on self-hire” (206). She has learned all her healing skills from Georgia and becomes a savvy negotiator who knows how to barter and bargain. Once her accounting lessons are complete, Mrs. Lindo begins teaching her to write. Again, she progresses quickly, and begins handling the business correspondence. Lindo brings her books from the library, including Swift, Voltaire, and the South Carolina Gazette, where she looks at the runaway slave notices.
Aminata is thriving but she misses her friends back on St. Helena’s island. She becomes well-known for her midwifery, delivering Dolly’s son, Samuel, and, later, Mrs. Lindo’s son, David. To reward her, the Lindos offer her a gift. She asks to see a map of the world, but this request enrages Solomon until his wife placates him: as a Jew, he is not accorded the same respect as the Anglicans and was barely allowed to join the Charles Town Library Society. Mrs. Lindo convinces him to honor Aminata’s request, but when she sees the maps, she despairs. Maps of the white man’s world show important details, such as the names of villages. But maps of Africa show “foolish” (212) pictures of monkeys and a child sleeping with a lion. She had hoped the map would show her the way back home, but now she feels she will never find a way back to Africa.
Years pass in the same manner, until Aminata learns through the fishnet that Georgia has died peacefully in her sleep, and Fomba has been accidentally shot by a white patroller. Loss piles upon loss. In 1774, a smallpox epidemic claims hundreds of lives, including Mrs. Lindo, Dolly, and each of their sons, Samuel and David. Solomon, in a fog of grief, mostly ignores her. Most of Aminata’s friends are dead or have left town with their masters. After thirteen years of service, Mrs. Lindo was the only white person Aminata had ever trusted. Her mistress had always been kind to her, giving her a book each month, as well as whale oil for her reading lamp.
Hard times now come to South Carolina. The people are angry at the British government for their shipping restrictions and high taxes. Disease runs rampant—fever, syphilis, smallpox—so the authorities temporarily bar slave ships from docking at Sullivan’s Island. Lindo must go to New York City to transact business. His sister, Leah, moves in to care for his household. She hates Aminata and tells her she must fend for herself. Aminata scrounges and barters for food, as coins are now hard to come by. She ekes out a living on her earnings as a midwife. Alone at night, she longs for her parents and for Georgia. One night, she hears someone call out her real name, not “Meena.” It is Chekura. She has missed her husband terribly but she is angry that he has been absent so long. He explains that his master and Appleby conspired to sell them in order to break them up. He was sold before he learned that Mamadu had been taken from his mother. Chekura is bald now and missing a finger—a punishment for sneaking off to visit his wife. As soon as he returned to Lady’s Island, he found out where Aminata was and made his way to Charles Town. Aminata, now thirty, thinks about their little family and how she had hoped they would remain together. She sobs, and he comforts her. They make love. He tells her their son was sold down in Georgia, in Savannah—he learned this news from the fishnet while working down there. He said he considered suicide after learning of Mamadu’s and Aminata’s disappearance. But the hope of finding them again kept him going.
Chekura does not trust Lindo. He tells Aminata that their son died of smallpox in 1762, about a year after he had been sold. A wet-nurse in Savannah had passed word through the fishnet that Lindo had arranged for Mamadu’s sale. She claimed that “the Indigo Jew” was with the family when the baby arrived in her care. This news shatters Aminata, who runs out crying. Chekura must leave soon, so she barters in town for their meal. He offers to kill Lindo—he wishes to avenge his child’s kidnapping. But Aminata tells him not to, for she wants him alive, and she wants him to “stay good” (225). They part, hopeful that they will meet again soon.
When Lindo returns, he demands that Aminata pay him the two pounds that she owes him from her weekly earnings. He has been fired from his inspector job and money is scarce. She refuses, and then she talks back to him. He grabs her wrist and slaps her. She then confronts him about Mamadu, but he claims Appleby sold the baby, and asks if she has been going through his papers. She fears he will rape her or throw her out, but instead he tries to tell his side of the story. She refuses and they settle into an uneasy truce. She stops making payments to him, and he does not provide her with food, oil, or any assistance. But he allows her to sleep in his house without any trouble. For the first time since coming to Charles Town, Aminata is hungry and work is scarce. Chekura does not return, but Aminata knows it must be because he cannot find a way to travel safely. Lindo sends for her, and she suspects she will now be sold. This time, however, he tells her he is going to New York again and he is taking her, too. She will work for him and he will make sure she is fed and clothed. Aminata knows she must go: “It would be my Exodus,” she tells herself, vowing never to return to South Carolina (229).
Book Two again opens with the theme of storytelling, as invoked by the title of Chapter 5, “my story waits like a restful beast” (99). Aminata, in London, wishes to tell her entire story, not merely the parts the abolitionists want to hear. She is frustrated by their limitations, and though they call her an “equal,” their “lips do not yet say my name and their ears do not yet hear my story” (101) in the way it needs to be told. The theme of storytelling is here and elsewhere explicitly linked to the utterance of Aminata’s true name, her African name, not the anglicized “Meena.” The importance of names and naming will be discussed later, but it is important to note this link here.
In London, Aminata dreams of the people who will read her story. She “imagines that first reader,” wondering, “Could it be a girl? Perhaps a woman. A man. An Englishman. An African”; she knows that “one of these people will find my story and pass it along” (103). This passage seems simple on the surface, but syntactically it weaves together different ethnicities and genders, suggesting a universal human experience that links all people. The world does not yet recognize or promote this universalism but storytelling can surmount these geographical and psychological obstacles.
This shared human experience is evoked by the Biblical story of Exodus in Chapter 8. When Solomon Lindo gives Aminata Gulliver’s Travels as gift, she exclaims, “it looks as good as Exodus” (204). He is surprised, so she explains that she read the Bible back on the plantation. He then tells her that “Jews and Muslims and Christians all have the story of Exodus in our religious books” (206). Exodus tells the story of his people, the Israelites, and their escape from slavery in Egypt. Aminata wonders why “Christians and Jews kept Muslims as slaves if we all had the same God,” but she does not say this aloud (205).
Part of her lessons with Lindo include learning about currency, so she can keep his ledgers. She learns about all the different kinds of coins circulating in Charles Town, including Spanish silver, British shillings, and the guinea, which is made of gold. The name catches Aminata’s attention, for she has learned that her part of Africa is also called “Guinea.” Lindo explains that “Guinea, Ethiopia, Negrita, Africa—they all mean the same” (203). Aminata is shocked that the whites have named this gold coin after the place of its origin, noting that they “were taking both gold and people, and using one to buy and sell the other” (203). Here, currency is explicitly conflated with the slave trade, as African gold is exchanged for African bodies. Too, this conflation reveals the European conquest of Africa, writ large.
In Book One, on board the ship, Aminata had seen coins for the first time in Tom’s cabin. And earlier in Book Two she sees them again, but she cannot identify these strange objects. As she watches Biton and Chekura on the platform at the slave auction, she sees men passing “rounded pieces of metal back and forth,” and thinks that they are “ugly,” not “attractive as [the] cowrie shells” that were used in her village (113). Once in Lindo’s house, she finally learns the value of these metal objects. She notices the gold of Lindo’s wedding band, which is made of Guinea gold. She thinks about the value of the currency, and wonders, “How much had been paid for me…and who had arranged to have me brought to this land? How were the black men who stole me from Bayo tied to the Christians and Jews who traded slaves in South Carolina?” (205). Just as she was starting to learn the white man’s ways, things grew “increasingly confusing,” and the “answers only led to more questions” (205).
If all three of the major religions are willing participants in the slave trade, how does one judge who is to blame? Who is good and who is bad? What role does religious faith play in this topsy-turvy world? And how is a human being’s value decided? Is it his faith that gives him value? Aminata repeats over and over that she is a “free born Muslim,” but on the ship, Biton corrects her: there is no such thing as a Muslim anymore. Under these horrific circumstances, they are all Africans, and all slaves. But how can Africans enslave their own people, she wonders, never unravelling this evil either. The fact of Lindo’s Jewishness, which he claims binds him to Aminata, holds no weight, either, morally speaking, for he too engages in the slave trade, wearing its spoils (his gold wedding band) and earning money from it (coins).
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By Lawrence Hill