
41 pages 1 hour read

Denise Kiernan

The Girls of Atomic City

Denise KiernanNonfiction | Biography | Adult | Published in 2013

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Chapters 11-15Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Innocence Lost”

On March 24, 1945, a black construction worker named Ebb Cade has a car accident on his way into CEW. He survives but is hospitalized. From this point on, Ebb Cade becomes known as HP-12 and begins to receive injections of plutonium without his consent. The doctors plan to “collect biological samples—tissues, urine, feces—all of which [will] be tested for the presence of plutonium, to see how it [will] travel, how much of it [will] remain in the body, and what effective it might have on HP-12” (221). Cade’s broken bones are not set until 20 days after the crash so that it is easier for the doctors to perform tests and take bone samples. Claiming to have noticed tooth decay in the patient, the doctors also remove 25 of his teeth to be tested.


The summer of 1945 sees more workers joining the Project. Residents peak at 75,000 while employment peaks at 82,000, meaning that more than 100,000 people are on site every day. Women “make up a large of portion of the new arrivals,” often finding “both job opportunities and a lively social life” (212) on the Reservation. Virginia notices that she has “little in common with married women” and finds herself “gravitating more and more toward conversations with men at social gatherings” (212). A date she is with speculates about advancements in fission and nuclear physics, guessing that “such a raw, previously unleashed power [is] being harnessed in Oak Ridge and [is] going to be used to end the war” (213). Elsewhere, Colleen’s relationship with Blackie is going well although she declines to marry him when he asks her, reasoning that there is no rush. Dot and Celia, both married and pregnant, are adjusting to their new lifestyles. Used to living in dorms and busy working lives, they find time at home alone tough and isolating.


When President Roosevelt dies on April 12, formed Vice President Truman inherits control of the Project, about which he knows very little. He meets with the Secretary and the General who reveal the details of “the largest expenditure in the history of the American military,” and he tries to comprehend “the enormity of the long-term effects of the Project on not only the conflict at hand but foreign policy in years to come” (226). After victory is declared in Europe, the Under Secretary of War asks if that means whether plans for using the Gadget on Japan have changed. The matter is considered among leadership, but “the buck stop[s]” with Truman” (231). 

Chapter 12 Summary: “Sand Jumps in the Desert, July 1945”

On July 16, Joan Hinton, a grad student working at Site Y travels up to a ridge with her friend ready to watch a secret test. Nearby, Elizabeth Graves (who is seven months pregnant) and her husband Al are in Miller’s Tourist Court and “their instruments [are] laid out on the bed” (234) in anticipation of the test. At the test site—a remote 432-square mile military locale—the Test Gadget is “suspended from a tower 100 feet high” (235), awaiting detonation. Observation camps 10,000 yards away hold teams of officials and scientists, all instructed to “[l]ie down, feet toward the blast, head away, and cover your eyes” (236). At 5:10 in the morning, the countdown begins.

Around 25 miles away, Joan feels the heat first and then sees what looks like “a sea of light” that is “gradually sucked into an awful purple glow that [goes] up and up into a mushroom cloud” (237). The cabin at Miller’s Tourist Court shakes but the Geiger counter does not begin registering changes until 3 p.m. when a “wave of radiation—a swath approximately 100 by 30 miles” (237) reaches their location. The public is given a cover story about a magazine of pyrotechnics exploding, but the Test Gadget had been detonated, “annihilat[ing] the steel tower and carv[ing] a crater six feet deep and 1,200 feet in diameter” (237). Men standing 10,000 yards away are knocked down by the blast which, at its center, is four times as hot as the center of the sun. The explosion is audible 40 miles away and “visible for more than 200 miles” (238).


Truman is at a two-week meeting with Churchill and Stalin in Potsdam near Berlin. He decides to tell Churchill about the test first and wait for the right moment to tell Stalin. Stalin informs them of “a telegram from the Japanese emperor ‘asking for peace’” but Truman is focused on “Japan’s unconditional surrender” (239). Back in America, scientists have written a letter begging Truman to use the Gadget only if “the terms which will be imposed upon Japan have been made public in detail and Japan, knowing these terms, has refused to surrender” (241). The scientists write that “a nation which sets the precedent for using these newly liberated forces of nature for purposes of destruction may have to bear the responsibility for opening the door to an era of devastation on an unimaginable scale” (241-242). The letter is signed by 70 scientists, but when it is delivered to the Secretary’s office, it is “filed away and never delivered to the president” (246).


Truman gives “the go-ahead to issue orders that the Gadget be used as soon after August 3 as would be possible,” although he gives instructions that civilians should not be targeted. In his diary, he writes that the bomb “seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made the most useful” (244). Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, also seems conflicted, telling the Secretary that he hopes “we [will] never have to use such a thing against an enemy,” revealing three years later that he “dislike seeing the United States take the lead in introducing into war something as horrible and destructive as this new weapon was described to me” (246). Britain and China join America in calling for Japan to surrender or face “prompt and utter destruction” (245).


Back at CEW in early August 1945, a nurse enters HP-12’s room to discover that Ebb Cade is missing. Virginia is getting ready for a vacation to Washington, D.C. However, in the lead up to her departure, some colleagues tell her that she should consider rethinking her trip since it seems that something major is about to happen. 

Chapter 13 Summary: “The Gadget Revealed”

As soon as she hears the news, Toni wants to call Chuck at work, suddenly aware that “everything will change now” (249). When Chuck finally answers, she says, “Chuck! Chuck! Did you hear me? It’s a BOMB!!!” but “Chuck [hangs] up without saying a word” (249). Elsewhere, Rosemary is called into a meeting in Dr. Rea’s office to listen to “a very important public announcement from the President of the United States” (250). The radio is turned on and the President announces that the U.S. has dropped “one bomb on Hiroshima, an important Japanese Army base” and that the bomb “had more power than 20,000 tons of T.N.T” (250). Nicknamed Little Boy, the bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay at 9:15am.


It is estimated that nearly 70,000 people were killed instantly (which is nearly the about of Oak Ridge), but that number will later be revised to 140,000 dead.


Back at CEW, Jane is distracted from her work, looking out see an ecstatic crowd In Dr. Rea’s office, Rosemary hears the President mention Oak Ridge and realizes that CEW is connected to the bomb. As overwhelming as the announcement is, “that single mention of ‘Oak Ridge’ [causes] perhaps the greatest shock of all” (257). Oak Ridgers find themselves trying to process the fact that they all had a role in the event and to figure out what exactly it was. The knowledge that they have “been helping create the atomic bomb’s fuel source [is] too abstruse for many to comprehend” (261). However, they do now have “something to pin their efforts and their work on,” recognizing that “they had played a part in what appeared to be a key turning point in the war, one that might end it for good” (261). Celebration lasts into the night.


However, some of those who had been key to the theoretical development of the bomb are less overjoyed. Lise Meitner makes it clear to a reporter that she has “never worked on any atomic bomb” (262) while Otto Hahn, a German scientist detained in England, feels “personally responsible” and drinks “heavily” while his fellows are “reluctant to believe word of the bombing” (263). Back in the states, Virginia learns about the event while on her vacation, and suddenly her colleagues’ cryptic comments make more sense to her. Other things also begin to click into place such as “the absence of articles from the scientific journals, her work in the lab, [and] the percentages her hike with her physicist beau who theorized that they were building some sort of bomb” (267). 

Chapter 14 Summary: “Dawn of a Thousand Suns”

News of the bomb has Americans wondering if the war will soon be over, and the people of CEW also think about the future of Oak Ridge. The fates of the workers, the houses, the trailers, and other infrastructure remains unclear. When Virginia returns from vacation, however, she finds that “work [has] not stopped” and “completely transparent discussions still [aren’t] happening, even after the big reveal” (270). Despite this, with the bomb now public knowledge, workers can at least discuss matters to some degree with their families. Jane receives a letter from her sister detailing how frightening it is to think of her working with something so powerful and hoping that after Hiroshima nuclear power “is never used again for destruction” (272).


This is not to be, however. On August 9, another bomb, nicknamed Fat Man, is dropped on Nagasaki, killing approximately another 40,000 people. A third bomb is ready, but Japan surrenders on August 14 before it can be dropped. With the news of Japan’s surrender, Oak Ridge is “in a particular state of exuberance. Relief and pride [mix] with shock and pensive consideration at the news of a second bombing” (272). For some workers, “knowing they had been a part of helping end the war [is] enough” (273). For others, especially young men who had been accused of not doing their duty, finally being able to tell people what they know is a great relief. For still others, “knowing [is] too much” and “one young K-25 worker [leaves] the singing and celebrating and retire[s] to her dorm room” where she “think[s] about the small role she had played in the bombings, and crie[s]” (273). For Rosemary, too, the bombings are difficult to comprehend since “anybody who had been working in Oak Ridge and had contributed to the development of something so tragic, so devastating, had to ask themselves the question whether it was the right thing to do” (278). Shortly after, she takes a new job on another part of the site, as a nurse in a department dealing with the effects of radiation. 

Chapter 15 Summary: “Life in the New Age”

Stafford Warren, head of the Project’s medical section, visits Japan to see the damage. He writes that “it stunk terribly, and there were flies everywhere” (288) and reports on the high levels of deaths both from the initial blast and the slower degradation from nuclear fallout that remained deadly weeks later. Japanese and Western journalists investigate the devastation and find themselves heavily censored by their governments. As a result, the international public is “slow to learn of the longer-lasting consequences” of the bombs (291). Many scientists feel that technology related to the bomb should not be kept secret, but President Truman disagrees. Meanwhile, tests are conducted on Ebb Cade’s teeth as well as on samples taken from 17 other people injected with plutonium between 1945 and 1947.


Following the end of the war, “the ebullient mood of victory [becomes] tempered by the emerging reality that international relations [will] never be the same and neither will Oak Ridge” (294). K-25 continues to manufacture weapons-grade uranium until 1964. Despite this, employment at CEW drops by 28,737 and its population in 1946 is only 42,465, far less than its peak of nearly 75,000 the previous year. More changes are afoot as Oak Ridge continues experiencing growing pains. On March 19, 1949, it becomes possible to enter Oak Ridge without inspections, badges, or security checks. This is met with mixed feelings, as “security checks that had once seemed a nuisance [have] for many become a comfort” and “many residents [have] grown to like the idea that anyone who did not belong in Oak Ridge was not permitted to enter” (296). The 1955 Atomic Energy Community Act allows for private ownership of houses and the self-governing of the town and “the pioneer spirit that had carried residents through the war now [has] to evolve into an entrepreneurial one” when in 1960, Oak Ridge becomes “a fully independent, ‘normal’ town” (297).


The dawn of the “Atomic Age” means that the promise of nuclear power clashes with the growing threat of nuclear warfare. In 1949, the Soviet Union detonates its first nuclear bomb. In 1961, it detonates “the largest nuclear weapon in history […] a 58-megaton explosion 4,000 times as powerful as the bomb that leveled Hiroshima” (299).


Cold War tensions are on the rise and attitudes towards Oak Ridge and its contribution to the war effort are changing. Like many others, Dot struggled to process the “strange mix of feelings” she experienced soon after the dropping of the bomb and the way she could “feel both good and bad about something at the same time, pride and guild and joy and relief and shame” (287). Years later, volunteering at Oak Ridge’s science museum, she faces far more critical responses to her work, as when a woman asks her “Aren’t you ashamed you helped build a bomb that killed all those people?” (305).

She still has “conflicting feelings” including “sadness at the loss of life” and memories of how “they had all been so happy, so thrilled, when the war had ended” (305). She feels and remembers “Relief. Fear. Joy. Sadness” but “how [can] she explain this to someone who had no experience with the Project, someone who hadn’t lived through the war, let alone lived in Oak Ridge?” (305). In the end, she realizes that the woman wants “a simple answer” so she responds “Well […] they killed my brother” (305). 

Chapters 11-15 Analysis

In the lead up to the testing and the dropping of the atomic bomb, everyday life continues at CEW. The city expands dramatically again, with women “mak[ing] up a large of portion of the new arrivals” and finding, among the secrecy and restrictions “both job opportunities and a lively social life” (212). Despite this, life on the Reservation still feels extremely temporary. After all, no one knows if they Project, or the site and its workers, will be needed once the war is ended. Many women still find themselves dating around, including Virginia, who finds herself “gravitating more and more toward conversations with men at social gatherings” (212), finding their conversations “much more scintillating than talks of domestic life” (214), highlighting a growing tension between traditional roles and new attitudes increasing through the rise of women in the workforce. One of her dates, a fellow scientist, even speculates that “a raw, previously unleashed power [is] being harnessed in Oak Ridge and [is] going to be used to end the war” (213), suggesting that the veil of secrecy does not prevent speculation and, in this case, accurate deductions about the purpose of CEW.


The Project’s secrecy takes a markedly more sinister turn when Ebb Cade is injected with plutonium so that doctors can collect data about the effects of radiation without Cade’s knowledge or consent. This is certainly an upsetting example of the theme of secrecy and intersects with the theme that people of color experienced the Project in markedly different ways than white people. Cade is black, and given the Project’s wider attitudes towards race, the incident reflects racism in Oak Ridge. The ethically abhorrent deception to which Cade is subjected is a disturbing example of the discriminatory, racist behavior that was regularly found in the town.


The Project’s secrecy is oriented around hiding the fact that they are building a nuclear bomb. The reality of this becomes far starker in the closing chapters as the text begins to truly discuss for the first time how this bomb will be used and who it will hurt. The test gadget trial reveals the scale of destruction that is possible, but it is also notable that the test bomb was considerable smaller than the bombs that were eventually used against Japan. Although the drive behind those working on the project, from the best-informed scientists to the largely ignorant factory workers, has primarily been a question of ending the war as quickly as possible, the reality of the bomb’s consequences causes some to question if this motivation is sufficient, as shown by the letter written by scientists pleading with Truman to only use the bomb on certain conditions. The fact that the letter never reaches Truman shows the degree to which a system is at work—a war machine—that dissenters are largely powerless to disrupt.


Many workers at CEW are less critical; their motivation to bring an end to a war that has affected all their lives remaining sufficient to overcome any moral objections to the bomb’s colossal destructive capabilities. When the President announces that the bomb has been dropped, and mentions Oak Ridge’s connection, workers realize that “they had played a part in what appeared to be a key turning point in the war, one that might end it for good” and celebrate (261).


It is true that some are conflicted about the issue, such as Dot and Rosemary who are torn over both their joy at the ending of the war and their grief and guilt over the vast number of deaths.


Attitudes regarding the motivation behind the Project are reexamined after the bombs are dropped and Japan surrenders. Moreover, the end of the war also brings confusion about just how temporary Oak Ridge truly is. As soon as the President announces the dropping of the first bomb, CEW residents begin to wonder how—and if—their community will continue to exist. This is a complex issue because it does look like Oak Ridge’s original purpose is complete, but it has also evolved beyond its original structures and aims, beyond its previous status as almost a camp built around a factory. It is no longer just “a collection of plants” (270), it is home to tens of thousands.


Although the population drops significantly, Oak Ridge gradually becomes a more “normal” space, slowly being stripped of the secrecy that so profoundly defined it and shaped life within its fences. In 1949, security measures are dropped and it is possible to enter the town without inspections, badges, or checks, something that is uncomfortable for some residents who felt that secrecy was a part of the town’s identity and felt protected, rather than inconvenienced, by the high security. Nevertheless, the changes continue, and the town sheds its layers of secrecy, security, and military control, eventually becoming “a fully independent, ‘normal’ town” (297). This shows how change is inevitable in complex communities, even those regulated by a highly regimented military project. 

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