
49 pages 1 hour read

Ellen Klages

The Green Glass Sea

Ellen KlagesFiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2006

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Part 3, Chapters 19-28Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 3: “1945”

Part 3, Chapter 19 Summary: “Dump Drawers”

Dewey and Suze go to the dump. As they walk, Suze considers that she feels happy and authentic with Dewey, a feeling she doesn’t get with other girls her age. On their way from the dump, they sing a playground version of The Colonel Bogey March. Suze puts an arm around Dewy.

They stop suddenly when they run into Joyce and Barbara, who mockingly call Dewy and Suze the Sad Sack Club. Suze feels Dewy pulling away from her, but she tightens her arm around her, feeling resentful that Joyce and Barbara have disrupted the joyful mood. Joyce and Barbara mockingly pick through Suze and Dewey’s possessions.

Suze pushes Joyce, who falls into a puddle. Barbara and Joyce call Suze “Truck” and tell Suze that everyone calls her that. Dewey spits on Joyce’s shoe.

Suze and Dewey continue home, sure that they will be in big trouble. This seems to be confirmed when they enter the house and see Terry sitting with Oppie (Robert Oppenheimer, the head of the Hill).

Oppie holds up a telegram and says that there has been an accident.

Part 3, Chapter 20 Summary: “For the Duration”

Dewey’s Papa has been killed; he was hit by a car filled with drunk soldiers crossing the street in front of the Capitol. Oppie and Terry smoke outside. Suze notices that Dewey seems to have shrunk to a smaller size. Dewey says she needs to go for a walk. Suze is tearful and shocked. Her mother returns, and they discuss Dewey’s future; Dewey has no living relatives. Suze agrees that she should remain living with them.

Tearfully, Suze tells her mother about the incident with Joyce and Barbara. Terry comforts Suze.

Part 3, Chapter 21 Summary: “Walking”

Dewey walks around the Hill aimlessly, trying not to think. Eventually she returns to the Gordons and curls up on their front step. She wakes up a little after midnight. Terry is watching over her and has made lemonade. Terry holds Dewey in a hug as Dewey begins to cry.

Part 3, Chapter 22 Summary: “Morganville Purge”

Dewey lies listlessly in her bed, looking at comics. Eventually, Terry tells her that they need to go to get the rest of her things from her house. They go through paintings and possessions, deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. Dewey asks Terry about the risk that the world will catch fire from the testing of the gadget; she has heard this at school.

Terry leaves Dewey, who wants time alone in the house. She plays a Bach record of her father’s, listening to the swelling music. She then takes it off the record player and smashes it furiously over her knee, howling and yelling to Papa that he promised that he would come back. Finally, she locks the house behind her and leaves.

Part 3, Chapter 23 Summary: “June 28: Shazam”

Terry snaps at Suze as they sit around the table on Terry’s lunch break; Terry immediately apologizes, explaining that everyone is tense with the test date looming.

Suze feels lonely with Dewey always lying listlessly looking at comics. She joins Dewey in their room, and they look at Jack and Charlie’s comics. Jack and Charlie have gone to stay with their grandma as the bomb is being tested.

Suze gets out two rocks she found on the river bank and writes SHAZAM (the word Captain Marvel says to turn into a superhero) in Greek letters. She gives Dewey one of the rocks and shows her the word; they decide that they are the two members of the secret Shazam Club.

Suze convinces Dewey to come to the dump with her.

Part 3, Chapter 24 Summary: “July 12-16: By the Dawn’s Early Light”

Dewey is secretly fearful about the end of the war, as she believes that she will be sent to a home at this point; she has been told she is staying with the Gordons “for the duration.” She feels ashamed and unpatriotic that she secretly hopes that the gadget will not work.

Everyone on the Hill is nervous and excited about the testing of the gadget. Dewey secretly hopes that it will storm and be canceled, but the wet weather clears.

Terry tells Suze and Dewey that she will wake them up for an early morning picnic. Dewey can’t sleep and waits up with Terry through the night. Terry wakes Suze up, and they go to a nearby clearing facing the test site, which is 220 miles away. At four in the morning, the darkness is suddenly lit with an immense bright light, followed by a thunder-like rumble that they can hear and feel. People begin crying, laughing, dancing, and hugging each other.

Part 3, Chapter 25 Summary: “July 16: Celebrating”

Dewey and Suze have a nap. When they wake up, Philip Gordon is home, and he kisses Terry joyfully, holding his fingers in a V for Victory. Terry isn’t as joyful; she wonders what the government will decide to do with the invention.

Suze and Dewey go out into the carnival-like atmosphere; everyone is out and about celebrating. In the news, there is a report that an ammunition dump exploded.

Part 3, Chapter 26 Summary: “August 4: Achieving Flight”

There are parties everywhere in the streets of Los Alamos. Elsewhere on the Hill, many families and scientists are packing up and leaving. Dewey waits fearfully to learn what will become of her. Philip and Terry fight a lot.

Dewey and Suze work on Shazam Theater, a series of pasted-together cigar boxes featuring decorated superheroes and moving parts.

Dewey overhears Terry saying that they are leaving in the morning; she feels devastated that no one told her and fearful at the thought that she will be left behind. She pretends that she is going to have dinner with her old neighbors to avoid having to accompany the Gordons to dinner.

There is a paper sack at the end of Dewey’s bed, which Dewey assumes she is supposed to pack her things into. Tearfully, she does so, leaving her special Shazam rock on Suze’s bed; she feels betrayed by Suze.

Part 3, Chapter 27 Summary: “Into the Woods”

Suze leaves dinner early and goes to Dewey’s old neighbor’s house; Suze is shocked to learn that the neighbors that Dewey said she was having dinner with have moved on. She realizes that Dewey must have lied and is confused about this until she figures that Dewey must be planning some kind of surprise for Suze’s birthday, which is the next day.

Suze returns home and sees that Dewey has already packed; Suze is confused as she hasn’t had a chance to tell Dewey about the surprise trip the family is taking for Suze’s birthday. She sees the Shazam rock discarded on her bed and realizes that something must be wrong.

Suze goes to Charlie and Jack’s place and convinces them to lead her to their treehouse; she thinks that this is where Dewey must be. Charlie takes her. They navigate through the dark woods. She climbs up into the treehouse and finds Dewey.

They talk, and Suze understands that Dewey assumed that the family was moving on without her. Suze clarifies that they’re just going on a two-day vacation and that Dewey is invited. She assures Dewey that if they move, Dewey will come with them. Dewey accepts her Shazam rock back and presents Suze with a mechanical gismo she made involving typewriter keys that spell “SHAZAM.”

Part 3, Chapter 28 Summary: “August 5-6: The Green Glass Sea”

It is Suze’s birthday. The Gordons and Dewey drive toward Santa Fe. They stop at the town of Carrizozo for the night. They eat at a cafe, and Terry produces a birthday cake for Suze. Dewey, who has been studying the map, finally works out where they are going but does not spoil the surprise for Suze.

The next day, they reach a flat expanse of desert, the site of the nuclear explosion. The heat of the bomb has turned miles of desert into green glass, which the scientists call Trinitite. The girls wander, amazed, picking up pieces of the glass as souvenirs.

Philip uses a Geiger counter to gauge the radiation of each piece of Trinitite, instructing them to leave the ones that are too “hot” (too radioactive).

They get back into the car to return to Los Alamos. Suze turns the radio on briefly, searching the channels for music. A news item begins to discuss events in Hiroshima that morning; Suze dismisses it as war news and turns it off.

Part 3, Chapters 19-28 Analysis

Social Inclusion and Exclusion and the Importance of Human Connection are explored in Dewey and Suze’s burgeoning relationship. Suze comes to understand the power of true friendship; in her relationship with Dewey, she is able to be completely authentic, and she feels accepted and comfortable in herself: “She’d never had a conversation like this with another kid. She didn’t feel like she had to be funny, or try to show Dewey how smart she was. She could just be” (196). Suze has previously been motivated by trying to achieve social acceptance from the popular kids. Her Coming of Age is illustrated when she defends Dewey, who is socially ridiculed, in front of Joyce and Barbara, thereby aligning herself with Dewey and choosing authenticity and kindness over her reputation. Suze’s loyalty to Dewey and her new values is illustrated when she keeps her arm around Dewey when they see Barbara and Joyce, even as Dewey tries to wriggle away, assuming that Suze won’t want to be seen with her: “She took a deep breath and squeezed Dewey’s shoulder, just once, and Dewey stood still” (201).

Dewey and Suze’s friendship is symbolized in the Shazam Club and their associated Shazam rocks. Suze’s friendship helps Dewey to cope with her significant grief after her Papa’s death, as is illustrated when Dewey agrees to leave their room for the first time in weeks to go to the dump with Suze after Suze presents her with the Shazam rock. Suze’s Coming of Age is illustrated in her enthusiastic accommodation of Dewey within the family. In the earlier chapters, Suze’s immaturity is illustrated in her obvious reluctance to host the unpopular Dewey. In these chapters, Suze tells her mother that “there’s plenty of room” for Dewey to remain living with them after Dewey’s Papa’s death (210). Furthermore, Suze emphasizes that Dewey belongs to their family when she tells Dewey about the surprise birthday trip, “‘Sure. I asked, and Daddy said the whole family’s going.’ ‘Family?’ Dewey made a funny sound in her throat but didn’t say anything” (267). Dewey is deeply moved to be included in Suze’s categorization of her family. As is illustrated by the “funny sound in her throat,” she is obviously touched and overwhelmed, as well as still wrestling with immense grief over her Papa’s death. While Suze’s coming of age is more gradual, Dewey’s coming of age is more concentrated, happening in the time following her father’s death.  

The Ethical Implications of Scientific Discovery is explored in these chapters. The anxiety around the nuclear bomb test is characterized in the atmosphere at Los Alamos as the experiment date nears: “Tensions and tempers ran high. Everyone seemed to be on hold, as if waiting for a phone that refused to ring” (228). The reader is reminded of the historical fact that even the specialized scientists had no way of knowing for sure what would happen when the bomb was detonated; scientific modeling could only guess at a never-before-seen phenomenon. This concern is illustrated in Jack and Charlie’s mom’s decision to send her sons to a farm in Oregon when the bomb is tested after she hears a rumor, originating from a scientist, that there is a chance that “when they test the gadget, all the air in the world is going to catch fire” (230).

Suspense is created vicariously for the reader through the community’s anxiety. This suspense peaks at the early morning viewing of the nuclear explosion from Los Alamos:

Suddenly there was a bright light, as bright as the sun. It lit up the faces of the people and the leaves of the trees. Dewey could see the colors and patterns of blankets and shirts that had been indistinct grays a second before, as if it were instantly morning, as if the sun had risen in the south, just this once (245).

The incredible, reality-defying experience of the nuclear bomb explosion is emphasized, as well as its power, in the fact that it’s “as bright as the sun” (245). The impression that something has been created that is beyond the bounds of reality is further emphasized by the description of the rumble—which could be heard as well as felt—as “like distant, alien thunder” (245).

Through the mixed responses of the Los Alamos population, Klages explores the immense moral and ethical quandary that the creation of such a weapon elicits. The predominant initial response is joy that the project has succeeded. This joy is characterized by the spontaneous celebration on the Hill in the aftermath of the explosion: “Their silent vigil became a party” (246). For the majority of the scientists, Army officials, and their families, the success of the atomic bomb development signals the end of the war, which is projected to save the lives of millions of American soldiers. This belief is illustrated in Philip’s elated entrance to the house: “Dr. Gordon came bounding up the back steps ten minutes later, grinning from ear to ear, his fingers raised in a V-for-Victory sign” (247). Philip’s “V for Victory” illustrates the prevailing belief that Japan, which had thus far refused to surrender, should be bombed to force their surrender.

Moral compunction over using the bomb on a civilian population, as the scientists correctly guess that Washington will decide to do with their creation, is expressed through the character of Terry and Dick Feynman’s inarticulate but obviously distressed expression of ambivalence over the bomb’s use:

She [Dewey] heard Dick Feynman talking, and stopped in the doorway to listen. ‘Well, yes. We started for a good reason, and we’ve been working so hard. It was pleasure. It was excitement, ‘ he said. ‘But you stop thinking about—you know? You just stop. And now...’ ‘And now that we’ve seen what it can do. My god,’ Terry Gordon said, her voice raised, sounding angry. ‘They can’t use it. Not on civilians. Not on anyone, for that matter’ (251).

Terry’s moral compunction and distress at her involvement in the project is clear; she feels a responsibility to try to stop the use of the weapon by the military. This is illustrated by her suggestion that the scientists sign a petition and the fractious nature of her communication with her husband, who believes that the bomb should be used as the government sees fit—likely on Japanese targets; Dewey observes that “the Gordons had been arguing a lot lately” (252), which symbolizes the Gordons opposing positions on the bomb’s use.

Klages further characterizes the atomic bomb as something out of science fiction—something completely out of this world and unprecedented—in the amazing sight of the sea of green glass created by the bomb blast’s heat. Philip tells the girls that the glass was created by the blast: “It’s the first new mineral created on this planet in millions of years” (266). The beauty and immense power of the bomb are emphasized in Dewey’s reflections; the magnificent and amazing glass sea makes her feel connected to her father and his beliefs in the beauty and power of scientific discovery: “When Papa had talked about how beautiful math and science were, his voice had sounded just the way she felt now. She knelt down and put her hand flat on the green surface” (278).

Klages intentionally creates moral ambiguity; the reader is positioned to marvel with the Gordons and Dewey at the beauty of the glass and the incredible fact that it has been created by the ingenuity and effort of a dedicated team of scientists. On the other hand, the novel ends on the radio announcement, ironically not paid much attention by any of the characters, of the bombing of Hiroshima: “‘...onto the Japanese city of Hiroshima this morning...’ She [Suze] turned past it to more static and shook her head. ‘Nothing but war news,’ she said, clicking the radio off” (281). As well as feeling awe at the achievement of the American scientists, the reader is invited to consider the incredible violence and destruction unleashed on Hiroshima, which killed more than 100,000 Japanese people, mostly civilians, and leveled miles of densely urbanized cityscape. Readers with historical knowledge of the bombing of Japan will know that three days later, such destruction occurred again in the Japanese city of Nagasaki before Japan surrendered.

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