The Heart’s Invisible Furies
- Genre: Fiction; historical
- Originally Published: 2017
- Reading Level/Interest: College/Adult
- Structure/Length: Approx. 592 pages; approx. 21 hours on audio
- Protagonist and Central Conflict: Born in Ireland in the 1940s to an unmarried teenaged mother, Cyril Avery struggles over the course of his life to find his identity and place in the world.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Prejudice; intolerance; struggles with identity and sexuality; suicidal ideation; hate crimes; violence and death, including murder by family members; sexual content; brief mention of rape and incest in backstory details
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Guide:
- Bearing Witness to Prejudice, Intolerance, and Hatred
- The Strength of Women Against Misogyny
- The Interconnected Web of Human Life
- Loneliness as Part of the Human Condition
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Teaching Guide, students will:
- Develop an understanding of Irish culture and sociopolitical change through the 20th century and how these changes connect to Bearing Witness to Prejudice, Intolerance, and Hatred as well as The Strength of Women Against Misogyny.
- Build connections between the novel’s themes of Bearing Witness to Prejudice, Intolerance, and Hatred, Loneliness as Part of the Human Condition, The Interconnected Web of Human Life, and The Strength of Women Against Misogyny and various paired texts and other resources.
- Construct a fictional photojournalism article based on scholarly research and analysis of the time period represented in The Heart’s Invisible Furies.
- Analyze and evaluate key plot points, themes, and character traits to draw conclusions in structured essay responses regarding 20th-century culture and history, the author’s use of humor, and other topics.