
52 pages 1 hour read

Melinda French Gates

The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World

Melinda French GatesNonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 2019

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Chapters 7-8Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 7 Summary: “Seeing Gender Bias: Women in Agriculture”

Chapter 7 details the obstacles women face in agriculture. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation began focusing on gender equality after receiving funds from Buffet in 2006, investing in poverty reduction through farming. Successful farming requires arable land, adequate supplies, time, and knowledge. Simply being a woman is a barrier to all these things. In Malawi, for example, women cannot inherit land. As a result, many do not own their own plots, which prevents them from earning a living. Malawian women do not have a say in how their families spend money, which prevents them from buying seeds and farming supplies. They spend much of their day doing unpaid work, leaving them little time to grow crops. Although the government of Malawi and philanthropic organizations offer training sessions to support farming, women generally don’t attend as cultural norms bar them from leaving their homes.

They’re Almost All Women

Gender didn’t start as a focal point for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Although some of their work focused on women’s issues, such as maternal and newborn care, their emphasis was on global health. It wasn’t until 2006 that the foundation made concentrated efforts to work toward gender parity. They hired a specialist who informed them that most of the world’s small farmers are women. The foundation began exploring ways to help such farmers in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Whispering About “Women’s Empowerment”

After extensive research, the foundation began to offer small grants to help women access equipment and loans to run productive farms. In Ghana, they partnered with a radio show to teach women how to grow tomatoes, a crop that grows easily and improves nutrition. They treaded carefully, mindful not to offend. Though frustrated by the slow pace of progress, Gates didn’t give the foundation’s gender experts the support they needed to pursue their goals more aggressively. She was still gathering data in addition to working on family planning programs. In 2014, however, she published an article in Science about the foundation’s commitment to women’s empowerment, promising to put girls and women at the center of its global development work from then on.

Lifting Each Other Up

This section is about PRADAN, one of the first female empowerment organizations in which the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation invested. One of PRADAN’s early projects was promoting gender equality in the eastern Indian village of Jharkhand by training women farmers and helping them access funding. This work increased yields, which allowed the women to feed their families and sell surplus crops. Success in farming emboldened participants. Soon, they began lobbying for better roads, access to clean water, and the village’s first toilet; they also spearheaded a campaign to curb alcohol abuse.

Women Are Inferior; It Says So Right Here

Laws reinforce gender discrimination in almost every country, touching on nearly all aspects of women’s lives. Some limit activism and the types of jobs women can hold, as well as preventing them from owning land. Discriminatory laws are only part of the problem—many countries lack laws that actively support women. 113 countries lack laws that ensure equal pay; as a result, men around the world earn more for doing the same job as equally qualified women. Seven countries do not guarantee women paid maternity leave, the US being one of them.

Discrimination Against Women—Seeking the Source

Religions dominated by men breed contempt for women; several of the laws described in the previous section derive from scripture. Many men disagree with the assumption that men are superior to women—however, they do not speak up against gender discrimination and silently reap the benefits of living in patriarchal societies. Some women believe themselves inferior, a message reinforced by certain religions. Gender bias is a long-standing issue; not coincidentally, religions are among the world’s oldest institutions. A lack of empathy fuels the Catholic Church’s ban on contraceptives and stance against women priests. The only way to combat such prejudice is for women to fight male dominance alongside male allies. 

Chapter 8 Summary: “Creating a New Culture: Women in the Workplace”

Chapter 8 focuses on curbing gender discrimination in the workplace, specifically in the tech industry. Gates was often the only woman in the room when she first joined Microsoft. This didn’t strike her as unusual because she studied computer science, a male-dominated field. She worked her way from Product Manager for Microsoft Word to Product Unit Manager for Microsoft Publisher; but her advancement did not come without failures and setbacks. A year and a half after her hire, Gates began to doubt her future at the company. The competitive culture was draining. She felt like she could not be herself, her passion for Microsoft’s mission and vision being the one thing keeping her there.

Creating Our Own Culture

Gates sought to change the culture at Microsoft by approaching other women and male allies within the company. With their support, she stopped suppressing herself to fit in. The truer she was to herself, the more effective she became at her job. Soon, Gates was managing 1,700 employees and recruiting some of the field’s most promising stars. Enabling peers helped her find her voice.

Careful, She’s Tougher Than You Think

Finding support at work is key to professional success. Gates thrived at Microsoft not only because of her talent and work ethic, but because she had a supportive female supervisor. Many women lack this support. Reporting sexual harassment can harm a woman’s career; complaints to HR departments often go unanswered. The #MeToo movement gave many women the courage to tell their stories of sexual abuse and harassment. Largely excluded from the movement, however, are blue-collar workers and women in the service industry who may not have access to social media and whose stories do not appeal to reporters.

What Happened?

#MeToo spread rapidly. Seeing women name their abusers prompted others to do the same. Women and their allies began pushing to change unhealthy cultures of abuse and silence (especially in the entertainment business); people increasingly sided (and continue to side) with accusers, rather than abusers. The movement made important gains, but the fight for equality is far from over. Women around the world are still made to feel unqualified and unworthy of their jobs, get paid less than men, and are promoted at a slower pace than male colleagues. They receive less training, mentorship, and sponsorship than male colleagues; women of color experience these struggles and more. Some claim women do not excel at or enjoy tech jobs—but the problem is not one of nature, but of nurture and opportunity.

When Men Write the Rules

Only 19% of computer science majors in the US are women; it used to be 35% in 1987 (223). The marketing of gaming devices to boys fueled this change, as did the proliferation of violent games made specifically for this demographic. As a result, boys receive more exposure to computers than girls. The tech industry favors coders that fit a certain profile, that of people with few outside interests; managers hire fewer women, which results in male-dominated workplaces. This, in turn, discourages other women from seeking jobs in the field. Many industries now realize that diversity is essential to healthy societies and are taking steps to counter gender bias in the workplace. People from marginalized groups in particular can provide new perspectives and point out weaknesses otherwise overlooked by the dominant group. No group should rely on another to protect their interests. Diversity is necessary to defend and uphold equality.

Ask for What You Need

Creating a healthy work culture that condemns sexual harassment and promotes diversity requires that women reflect on themselves as well. Women tend to underestimate their own abilities due to societal expectations. Assertiveness in a woman is often attacked or framed as undesirable. Patriarchal societies expect women to ask for little and aim to please out of self-doubt. Perfectionism also prevents women from applying for certain positions, asking for promotions, and taking professional risks. Gates’s own perfectionism comes from feeling like she doesn’t know enough.

A Workplace Compatible with Family Life

Accommodating family life is key to creating hospitable work environments for women. Most employers still operate as though their employees have stay-at-home partners, yet women now account for almost half of the American workforce (in addition to them doing a disproportionate amount of unpaid housework). Men in positions of power object to paid family and medical leaves because they’re interested in minimizing costs, rather than thinking of long-term benefits—but these leaves are crucial. Women must collectively voice their workplace needs in order to enact permanent change. 

Chapters 7-8 Analysis

Chapters 7-8 describe a shift in focus at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation’s early efforts addressed global health. By contrast, their more recent initiatives focus on gender inequity and empowering women. Both chapters shed light on gender inequality as it relates to paid labor. Regardless of residence and socio-economic status, women face obstacles based solely on them being women when it comes to employment equity.

Chapter 7 focuses on women in countries where agriculture is a primary source of income and sustenance. Gates combines data and anecdotes to convey the importance of supporting women farmers. Over 70% of the poorest people in the world derive most of their food and income from small plots of land (179). Women farmers have a more difficult time making a living off the land than men. A 2011 study by the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization revealed that women farmers in developing nations achieve lower crop yields than men by as much as 30% (184). Women underproduce relative to men because they don’t have access to the same information and resources. In Malawi, childcare and unpaid work not only take time away from farming, but also prevent women from attending meetings to learn about best practices, improved seeds, and new markets from other farmers. Because most farmers are women, helping women advance in farming can lead to widespread change: “[It can] lead to better nutrition for the children, add income for school fees, and—because of the rise in food production—reduce the number of undernourished people in the world by 100 to 150 million” (184). 

The UN study recognized that women farmers have distinct needs. The study recommended developing training programs, services, and technology made specifically for women, with the aim of closing the yield gap—albeit with their share of complications. Gates discusses advances in rice seeds to make this point. Researchers generally speak to farmers before developing new seeds, a process meant to ensure that the seeds have desirable traits. However, women were often excluded from such discussions for several reasons: Researchers did not value their input; potential women farmers were otherwise occupied with household tasks; and it was culturally inappropriate for women to speak to them. Researchers created new seeds based on their conversations with male farmers, who then bought the seeds. Female farmers were unhappy with the seeds as the rice stalks were too short, which forced them to stoop during the harvest; they complained to their husbands, who stopped buying the seeds. The researchers ultimately wasted time and money developing a seed no one wanted. A study by the International Rice Research Institute revealed that male and female farmers look for different things in rice seeds. Since women do the bulk of harvesting and cooking, they prefer rice varieties that grow tall and cook quickly (187). Speaking to both men and women can lead to the development of long-term seeds.

World Bank reports show that in some countries, gender bias is codified into law. Laws prevent Russian women from pursuing any of over 400 jobs considered too dangerous or strenuous—such as carpentry, diving, and captaining ships. A quarter of the world’s countries have laws that bar women from certain jobs, while 29 countries limit the hours women can work. Many nations also enact laws that hinder women’s professional opportunities: Women in Equatorial Guinea need their husbands’ permission to enter legal contracts, while those in Yemen can’t even leave their homes without permission (it being one of seventeen countries that do so). Men in these countries can limit or prevent their wives from earning their own income; financial barriers also hobble women. Women in Niger, Chad, and Guinea-Bissau, for instance, must obtain their husbands’ permission to open bank accounts. Tunisian women inherit half as much as their male siblings, while Liberian women can’t inherit family assets after their husbands die because “property cannot own property” (195). 35 other countries limit what wives can inherit from their husbands, making it virtually impossible for them to start a business.

Gender bias also impacts working women. Gates uses her extensive knowledge of the tech industry to argue that any woman, regardless of her race, ethnicity, education level, or socio-economic status, can experience gender discrimination in the workplace. Statistics support her claims: “Women comprise about a quarter of the tech workforce and hold just 15 percent of the technical jobs” (228). Women of color are particularly underrepresented in tech: “African American women are only 3 percent of the entire tech workforce; Hispanic women, 1 percent” (228). The reasons so few women pursue tech careers are many. First of all, girls are not afforded the same opportunities to develop an interest in tech as boys; game developers make and market their products to boys. Secondly, hiring practices in the tech industry tend to favor men with limited outside interests. Thirdly, women in tech face a brash, male-dominated culture. This discourages many women from studying computer science and entering the field, thereby perpetuating the cycle of exclusion. Tech jobs are innovative and lucrative; they shape human lives in numerous ways. It is imperative for women to join the tech industry—tackling gender biases in hiring and promotion practices as well as eliminating hostile work environments being key to this. Family-friendly policies are also important:

Paid parental leave is linked to fewer infant deaths, higher breastfeeding rates, and reductions in postpartum depression. Women with paid parental leave are more likely to remain in the workforce and earn higher wages. Men with paid parental leave tend to play a more active role in child rearing, in addition to taking on more unpaid work (237).

Venture capital attracts even fewer women than the tech industry. This is important as entrepreneurs who cannot afford bank loans rely on venture capital as a source of funding for their businesses. In exchange, investors get a stake in said businesses. Finding investors can make or break a business. With so few women in the field, businesses run by women often fail to secure the funding they need: “Only 2 percent of venture capital partners are women, and only 2 percent of venture capital money is going to women-founded ventures” (224). Women of color face even bigger challenges: “The amount of venture capital that goes to firms founded by African American women is 0.2 percent” (224). Everyone suffers from this imbalance, not just women entrepreneurs. Gender bias and nepotism pervade venture capital, concentrating power in the hands of elite groups of White men. A 2018 poll comprising 1,500 venture capitalists showed that 40% were alums of Stanford and Harvard (225); investors tend to fund people from their peer networks. Those outside the network, such as women and people of color, are unlikely to receive funding.

Many industries now realize that diversity is essential to healthy societies and are taking steps to counter gender and racial biases. People from marginalized groups can provide invaluable insights and new ideas. Gates invested in Aspect Ventures and other venture capital funds that support companies led by women and people of color—not necessarily to be charitable, but rather, because she recognizes a good business opportunity:

I expect a good return, and I’m confident I’ll get one because women are going to see markets that men won’t see, and black and Latina and Asian women will see markets that white entrepreneurs won’t see. I think we’ll look back in ten years and see it was crazy that more money wasn’t flowing toward markets understood by women and people of color (225).

As she did in previous chapters, Gates uses personal anecdotes to make herself relatable. She’s a perfectionist, something many women suffer. Her perfectionism stems from a place of insecurity: It “comes from the feeling that I don’t know enough. I’m not smart enough. I’m not hardworking enough” (231). Gates’s perfectionism leads her to overthink, which hinders her ability to listen to others. It also causes her to miss opportunities to improvise and respond spontaneously. In short, perfectionism prevents her from being her authentic self, in addition to preventing others from being authentic around her for fear of doing or saying the wrong thing. No one is perfect. By showing her imperfect self, Gates encourages other women to do the same, an important step to creating a more inclusive work culture: “My best self is when I’m open enough to say more about my doubts or anxieties, admit my mistakes, confess when I’m feeling down. Then people can feel more comfortable with their own mess, and that’s an easier culture to live in” (233).

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