The Cid leaves Saragossa, riding east toward the Mediterranean Sea. He conquers Jérica, Onda, and Almenara, among other cities. Taking Murviedro, the Cid is convinced that God is on his side. The people of Moorish Valencia are afraid of his progress and decide to besiege him, surrounding him in Murviedro. The Cid acknowledges their right to attack him but says he will not leave unless his army is defeated in battle. He sends messages to his allies who assemble to help him. He asks them to gather at daybreak to attack the Valencian army. Minaya asks for a hundred soldiers to attack from the side, while the Cid initiates a direct attack. The Moors are taken by surprise, and two of their kings are killed while their army is driven back to Valencia. The Cid collects the spoils of the battle.
His army continues to raid coastal towns and capture roads throughout the region. For three years the Cid “raided and robbed the Moors, / Sleeping by day, marching by night” (87). During this time Valencia does not challenge him as he steals the food from their fields. The people are miserable, but the King of Morocco is distracted by another war and does not help. The Cid sees his opportunity and sends messages throughout Castile, inviting men to join him in conquering and turning Valencia Christian. Many Christians join him, and he immediately begins his siege of Valencia. He gives the inhabitants nine months, and on the tenth month they surrender. The Cid’s men revel in the wealth they have acquired, and he receives one-fifth of it all.
The King of Morocco arrives with an army, but he is quickly defeated and sent running across the Júcar river. The Cid pays his men a hundred silver marks each, and his reputation rises. The Cid’s beard keeps growing, and he decides to let it grow “because of [his] love for King Alfonso” (91). He guards against deserters by keeping a written record and requiring them to kiss his hand before parting. He sends Minaya to King Alfonso again with a gift of one hundred horses and a request that his wife and daughters may join him. He also sends a donation to the abbot. The Cid hears of a French Bishop named Don Jerónimo, who is inspired to join the fight against the Moors, and he sends a message welcoming him, enthusiastic to install him as a bishop in Valencia.
Minaya travels to Carrión to find the King, who is leaving mass. Minaya recounts on one knee the Cid’s exploits and offers him the gift of one hundred horses. The King is pleased, but Don García Ordóñez, an enemy of the Cid, is not and insults him. The King grants the request for the Cid’s wife and daughters to join him, offering them protection to the border. He allows others to join the Cid, saying “Castile is better thus served than by dishonor” (99). The nobles of Carrión begin to plot to marry the Cid’s daughters as Minaya departs.
The nobles send greetings with Minaya to the Cid. Minaya leaves them and rides to San Pedro to collect and escort Doña Jimena and her daughters to the Cid in Valencia. He sends messengers to inform the Cid that the king has released his wife and daughters, and he will meet them at the border. As Minaya prepares for the journey, outfitting the women in beautiful dresses, Raguel and Vidas appear, asking that the Cid repay the loan and willing to forgive his interest. Minaya assures them he will, while they threaten “If not, we’ll have to leave Burgos and hunt for him” (103). The traveling party with Minaya and the Cid’s family leave the monastery with the Abbot’s blessing, accompanied by a royal escort.
The Cid is happy to hear his wife and daughters are joining him. He sends an escort of some knights and a hundred men to Molina, to be joined by Abengalbón the Moor, with whom he has made peace. Together they will escort the women from the border to Valencia, where the Cid will be waiting. They ride to meet Minaya at the border town Medinaceli, and both groups celebrate with a playful skirmish and a banquet. They leave the royal escort and ride towards Valencia through Molina, with Abengalbón continuing the escort. The ladies arrive in Valencia to celebrating, and the Cid rides out on his horse Babieca, who galloped so quickly, “from that day on, Babieca was famous all over Spain” (113). The family is tearfully reunited and enters Valencia, giving praise to God for “the immense goodness” (115) granted to them.
In Morocco, an angry King Yusef gathers fifty thousand men to sail across the Mediterranean to the lands the Cid took from him. The Cid is informed of their arrival and thanks God that “[a] wonderful gift has come from across the sea” (117), assuring his worried wife the attacking army will have riches he can take. The next morning the Moors attack and meet a successful counterattack from the Cid’s knights that drives them back. The following day the Spanish forces plan to attack directly, with Minaya’s knights attacking from the side. Don Jerónimo blesses and absolves them, and they all leave for the battlefield. They execute their plan and defeat the Moors, but King Yusef escapes to Cullera. The Cid counts his winnings, including fifteen hundred horses and the Moorish army’s beautiful tents. He sends King Yusuf’s tent to King Alfonso and rewards Bishop Don Jerónimo, who “swung weapons from both hands” (127) and killed many Moors.
The Cid sends Minaya back to King Alfonso with a new gift of horses and his oath to serve him forever. The king, accompanied by the nobles of Carrión and Count Don García, is happy to receive Minaya, the entourage, and the gifts. Don García speaks with his family in private, concerned that as the Cid’s honor rises, his own family’s is falling lower. The king honors the messengers, but in the meantime the Carrión nobles approach the king to ask for the Cid’s daughters in marriage. The king feels it is not his decision to make but summons Minaya and Pedro Bermúdez to discuss it. King Alfonso assures them the Cid will be pardoned and advises him to accept the Carrión nobles’ proposition of marriage.
Minaya and Pedro Bermúdez return to the Cid, sharing the troubling news of the marriage proposals. The Cid comments, “This is not a marriage I would have chosen” (135) but agrees to consider it in private. He is also informed the king would like to meet him at a place of his choosing. The Cid chooses the banks of the river Tagus.
The Cid’s army and the king’s nobles arrange to meet in three weeks. As wedding preparations begin, the Carrión nobles are “buying things on credit, and sometimes paying money, / As if my Cid’s vast fortune was already theirs” (137). The king and his courtiers from Castile, Carrión, León, and Galicia, all ride together towards the Tagus.
The Cid, his knights, and his bishop also prepare. They ride out to meet the king in a large group, but only 15 approach the king with the Cid. He kneels before the king and “with his teeth pulled up grass, / so overjoyed he could not keep from weeping” (141). The king is upset by this and orders him to stand up, but the Cid remains on his knees, begging for his favor again. The king grants it, forgiving him. The Cid is the king’s guest that night, but the next day the Cid becomes the host and prepares a massive feast”. The king requests the Cid’s daughters be given in marriage to the Carrión heirs; the Cid replies that his daughters are too young but agrees to defer to the king’s judgment. As the king parts, the Cid invites people to attend the wedding and receive gifts from him.
Before the king leaves, the Cid asks the king to name someone to replace him in the ceremony, since the king has made the decision in his stead. The king names Minaya, who accepts. The Cid offers him a parting gift of more horses, and the Cid leaves for Valencia. He asks Pedro Bermúdez and Muño Gustioz to watch the Carrión heirs, Don Fernando and Don Diego, closely. The Cid returns to his wife and daughters, informing them of the marriages, and they thank him as they are marrying above their station. In an aside, he tells his wife the marriages are the king’s idea, which he could not refuse. As such, the king is giving them away.
The palace is prepared for the weddings. Minaya is granted the power to give the girls to the Carrión heirs, the heirs kiss the hands of the Cid and his wife, and they meet the bishop at Saint Mary’s church for mass. After church, they go to an arena for “war games” (155), celebrating for 15 days. The guests leave rich, having received many gifts, and the Cid and his sons-in-law all reside in Valencia for about two years. The canto ends with a prayer for the success of the marriages.
The timing of the second canto is longer than the first, spanning approximately five years, including three years of the Cid’s exile as he builds towards his victory in Valencia. This culminates in his pardon from King Alfonso, the marriage of his daughters to the Carrión heirs, and two years of living in Valencia. The Canto works as a narrative bridge, resolving the conflict of the Cid’s exile from Castile, while initiating the rising action of the marriage plot.
As the Cid makes steady progress in the lands beyond Castile, the author establishes the Cid as an exceptional warrior and an honorable man. With every easily won victory, the Cid rewards his men and sends gifts to his king. This ritualized apportionment raises his reputation each time, allowing the Cid to attract more and more followers and earning loyalty from new soldiers and conquered townspeople. The medieval epic reflects the era’s highest societal values—chivalric courage and noble generosity—along with the importance of upholding ritual, following social code, and religious obligation. These practices form the basis of society, so when social codes are broken, as with the Carrión heirs, trouble ensues and threatens the very foundation of society.
Above all, the Cid’s repetitive religious practice, in which he always stops to pray and give thanks to God upon arrival, grounds him as a worthy and deserving protagonist in the eyes of the medieval reader. When the Cid should be worried, he instead gives thanks to God for “the wonderful gift” (117) of the Moorish attack, sure that God is on his side and their wealth will be his. For this adventuresome warrior, each confrontation is an opportunity to acquire more, but likewise, he has the confidence that a Christian god is on his side. In contrast to many medieval epic heroes, the Cid’s mood is often jubilant as he heads into battle.
The Cid conquers “foreign” lands in Canto 2, which bears ample evidence of the multicultural world of Medieval Spain, where beyond the battlefield, Jews, Christians, and Muslims interacted and formed everyday alliances. This is demonstrated in the friendship the Cid has with Abengalbón, a Muslim ruler. Complicating the “clash of cultures” narrative assumed by many modern readers, Abengalbón is one of the Cid’s most trusted friends—so much so that the Cid entrusts him with the care of his wife and daughters as they cross Spain to Valencia. Abengalbón later proves he is worthy of this trust in the Third Canto, driving away the traitorous Carrión heirs when they plot against him, and giving the daughters shelter again when they return home to Valencia.
While considering the framework of cross-cultural encounters in the text, the return of Raguel and Vidas to the narrative in Canto 2 presents a complicated dynamic. The two merchants send a reminder to the Cid to pay the debt he owes them, and Minaya assures them it will be paid, but this is the last the reader hears of them. Whether or not the Cid pays the debt is left ambiguous; however, it is unlikely he ever intended to repay the debt. On one hand, the narrator’s depiction of the two Jewish moneylenders relies heavily on medieval stereotypes of greedy, usurious Jewish moneylenders who prey on those in need. It is meant to satirize them and is not a flattering depiction. This is reinforced by the comical encounter in Canto 2, where the two city-dwelling, bourgeois moneylenders—who have by now likely discovered the sand in the chests, instead of gold—threaten to hunt down the Cid, the greatest warrior in the land, for repayment. While the Cid is consistent in repaying those who help him, it is likely he would make an exception for those he considers unethical moneylenders like Raguel and Vidas. Thus, while Muslims can be considered trusted allies to the Medieval Christian hero, the author of this text relies on anti-Semitic tropes to justify the Cid’s dishonest dealings with the two merchants, implying they deserve to be cheated.
Elsewhere, the introduction of the French bishop Don Jeronimo brings in a violent crusader against Muslims. Don Jeronimo—an explicitly religious figure—is focused on the elimination of Moorish warriors, and he is the only ally of the Cid’s who puts it so directly. His fervor for a more crusading approach to war is contrasted with the Cid, who is not seeking cultural domination but simple financial and territorial gain, leaving the Moorish inhabitants in peace once the battle is won. The Cid has one goal: getting back into his King’s good graces so he can build his own financial wealth. The rhetoric of cultural domination and religious righteousness here is isolated to a man of the Church, yet while Don Jeronimo seems to be an ideological outlier, he is none the less heartily welcomed by the Cid. As with many medieval narratives, the cross-cultural relations, alliances, and enemies formed in the text are ambiguous and reflect a myriad of contemporary cultural values.
Another pivotal relationship in the Second Canto is that of the King and the Cid, from their slow reconciliation to the King’s symbolic assumption of the Cid’s role in the marriages of his daughters. In the First and Second Cantos, the Cid slowly and methodically courts the King’s pardon through victories in his name and gifts of the spoils of war. The King ultimately cannot refuse these gifts, properly given by a man who is clearly his most loyal servant. Now newly reconciled with the King, the Cid must truly prove his loyalty when he is put in an undesirable position. While the Cid does not wish to marry his daughters to the Carrión nobles, he is in no position to refuse his King’s desire.
Rather than create further conflict, the Cid essentially absolves himself of responsibility for the match, deferring to his king while simultaneously demonstrating his trust and loyalty to his regent. The Cid supports these marriages in good faith, trusting his king and hoping they will work out for his daughters. This deferral, as difficult as it may be for the Cid, works in his favor as a protection in the long run; the heirs’ abandonment of the marriage ends up being an insult to the king, rather than to the Cid, who sanctioned the match. As such, it precipitates their ultimate downfall at court and the destruction of their family’s reputation. Thus, when the Cid submits to his king’s authority in the Second Canto, he demonstrates the proper relation of vassal to king, and this submission ultimately protects and elevates his family’s wealth and reputation.
During this narrative bridge, the Cid achieves his greatest military victories in Canto 2. Coupled with his strict adherence to social codes and paying tribute to his king and those who helped him succeed, the Cid is able to comfortably establish himself at Valencia and form regional alliances that fortify him against attacks from Morocco and domestic threats to come in Canto 3. The Second Canto establishes the politics around the marriages of Sol and Elvira, foreshadowing their failure by hinting at the Carrión heirs’ plotting and manipulation at court. The final Canto will open with these inevitable troubles, which carry the narrative through to the end.
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