Madhavya enters. He is a vidusaka, a stock comedic character in Sanskrit theatre, analogous to the fool in Shakespeare. The vidusaka is often depicted as a Brahmin, or a member of the priestly class, and walks with the help of a staff.
Madhavya complains about being in the king’s retinue, forced to go on a hunt for various wild beasts. He is even more flummoxed at Dusyanta’s decision to stay at Kanva’s grove and abandon the hunt. Madhavya decides to confront Dusyanta about his odd behavior. Dusyanta enters, surrounded by attendants, muttering to himself. The king says he thinks Sakuntala returns his love, but cannot be sure, for lovers often misread their own feelings in the heart of the beloved. Madhavya draws attention to himself, hunching as if in pain.
Dusyanta asks what has brought on Madhavya’s sudden disability. Madhavya replies it is the king himself. Since Dusyanta is neglecting the affairs of the state, his people, like Madhavya, have been crippled. Madhavya asks Dusyanta to give the chase for prey a rest so Madhavya can relax. Dusyanta says in an aside that he too is sickened by the thought of continuing the hunt, as his heart is full of dreams of Sakuntala. Dusyanta wants to reveal his feelings for Sakuntala to Madhavya, but he and Madhavya are interrupted by General Raivataka. The general wants to know what their hunting party should do next. Dusyanta says Madhavya’s sermon against hunting has dampened his enthusiasm.
The general reminds Dusyanta that hunting is a sport, not a vice. Dusyanta still resists. The general leaves. Dusyanta and Madhavya resume their interrupted conversation. Dusyanta tells Madhavya he has fallen in love with Sakuntala. When Madhavya teases Dusyanta about the difference in their caste stature, Dusyanta reminds the vidusaka that “a Paurava never hankers after forbidden fruit” (25): Being the daughter of a royal sage and a nymph, Sakuntala is Dusyanta’s match in caste. Dusyanta describes Sakuntala’s beauty as a “gem uncut” (26).
Being a hermitage-dweller, Sakuntala is modest in her demeanor. However, she did indicate her interest in Dusyanta when she left the grove with her friends, turning to look at him on the pretext of freeing her snagged tunic from a branch. Dusyanta wants to visit the grove again to speak with Sakuntala, and asks Madhavya to suggest an excuse. Madhavya asks Dusyanta to walk in, claiming tax. Dusyanta reminds Madhavya that ascetics need not pay material taxes, since their penance for the larger good of society is tax enough.
A guard brings in two young seers, here to see the king. The men ask Dusyanta for a favor. In the absence of sage Kanva, who is away on a pilgrimage to seek benedictions for Sakuntala, evil demons are ranging free, disturbing the rituals of the sages. Dusyanta should stay at the ashram for three nights to protect it until Kanva returns. Dusyanta readily agrees. Madhavya says in an aside that things could not have gone better even if Dusyanta had planned them.
Meanwhile, a messenger from the palace arrives for Dusyanta. The Queen Mother—Dusyanta’s mother—has asked him to return to the city, as in four days she has to begin her ritual fast to safeguard his succession. Dusyanta tells Madhavya he feels torn between his dharma (duty) as a son and his heart’s desire. He asks Madhavya to go to the palace in his stead, as his mother thinks of Madhavya as a son anyway. Madhavya can explain to the Queen Mother that Dusyanta needs to stay back to protect the ashram.
Now that Madhavya is going to the city, Dusyanta fears the gossipy vidusaka will spread the news of his love for Sakuntala in the court. Dusyanta therefore tells Madhavya that the confession of his love for Sakuntala was just a joke.
Kanva’s assistant enters, carrying kusa grass for oblations. He praises Dusyanta for defeating the demons who obstructed the rituals of the sages. The twang of Dusyanta’s bow was enough to drive away the evildoers; the king did not even need to shoot an arrow. While the defeat of the demons is a matter of joy, the assistant is worried about Sakuntala, the “very life breath of our patriarch, father Kanva” (32), is down with a heatstroke.
The assistant exits and a lovelorn Dusyanta enters from the other side of the stage. Dusyanta remarks that, being an ascetic, Sakuntala has more patience than he does to bear the pangs of separation. Dusyanta burns with the sting inflicted by the arrow of Kama, the god of love. In Dusyanta’s state of unfulfilled love, even the cool moon rays appear scorching like the hot sun. Now that the demons have been defeated and the priestly rites completed, Dusyanta fears he has no excuse to stay around Sakuntala anymore.
Lost in his thoughts, Dusyanta walks toward the banks of the River Malati. He senses Sakuntala may be close by in this pleasant, cool spot. He spots her beautiful footprints in the wet sand leading to a bower. Sakuntala enters with Anasuya and Priyamvada. Her friends fan her with lotus leaves. Dusyanta wonders in an aside if Sakuntala is tormented by the physical heat or the heat of love. Priyamvada and Anasuya also speak in an aside that Sakuntala has been restless since she met Dusyanta.
Anasuya remarks to Sakuntala that though the women are ignorant about the ways of love, Sakuntala is behaving exactly how lovelorn women in stories do. Priyamvada says Sakuntala has lost her appetite and is wasting away. Dusyanta notes to himself that Sakuntala indeed looks wan, “her cheeks are drawn, her bosom shrinks” (34). Sakuntala confesses to her friends that ever since she saw the “royal sage” (34), referring to Dusyanta, love has agitated her. If Dusyanta won’t be moved by pity for her state, Sakuntala wants to die on the funeral pyre. Anusuya and Priyamvada decide they must immediately arrange a meeting between Dusyanta and Sakuntala. Sakuntala must write Dusyanta a letter confessing her love, which Priyamvada will hide in prayer flowers and hand over to Dusyanta.
Overjoyed, Dusyanta notes to himself that love, which had so recently plunged him into desolation, now raises his spirits high. When Sakuntala tells her friends she fears Dusyanta may reject her overture of love, Dusyanta compares her to Laksmi, the beautiful goddess of good fortune. Encouraged by her friends, Sakuntala writes a letter using her nails to etch a lotus leaf. Sakuntala writes that the god of love injects pain in her limbs day and night.
Unable to hide himself any longer, Dusyanta steps out and tells Sakuntala that he shares her torment in love. When Sakuntala rises in courtesy, Dusyanta bids her to keep sitting, and asks her to “treat stale custom with proper disdain” (38). Priyamvada teases Dusyanta that since it is the job of the king to help those in need, he must take Sakuntala under his protection. Dusyanta agrees, but Sakuntala counters that he must be eager to return to the ladies of the palace. The king promises Sakuntala that though kings have many wives, he cannot break her trust and love another. His “succession” or progeny will come only through Mother Earth and Sakuntala herself. Happy with Dusyanta’s answers, Anasuya and Priyamvada leave.
Sakuntala grows alarmed, but Dusyanta asks her to command him. Sakuntala says she must leave too, as it is not proper for her to meet Dusyanta unchaperoned. Dusyanta holds Sakuntala and entreats her to stay, as she is weak from sunstroke and must rest. Sakuntala asks the king to show restraint— she is not free to give herself to him without her father’s permission. Dusyanta says her elders will not fault Sakuntala for consorting with Dusyanta, since it is lawful for a woman of her lineage to marry with her consent alone. Dusyanta tries to kiss Sakuntala and she avoids him bashfully. She overhears the footsteps of the sage Gautami and asks Dusyanta to hide.
Gautami, Anasuya, and Priyamvada enter. Gautami sprinkles holy water on Sakuntala’s head to heal her sunstroke. She asks Sakuntala to return to the ashram as it is growing dark. Sakuntala says in an aside that she has been interrupted just when what she most desired was within her grasp. She addresses the bower loudly, proclaiming that she may be reunited with it very soon. The women exit.
Dusyanta comes out of the bower. He examines the rocks and trees, searching them for signs of Sakuntala. The lotus leaf on which she etched him a letter remains, making it difficult for him to leave the arbor. A voice offstage thunders that carnivorous demons are gathering over the ashram again like evil clouds. Dusyanta rushes out.
Dusyanta’s decision to send Madhavya to the city in his stead highlights the play’s central conflict, that between Duty (Dharma) Versus Love (Kama). Dusyanta sums up this conflict in his own words: “My mind divides between these two / Like a river when a rock displaces / Its seamless flow” (30).
The conflict between his love for Sakuntala and his filial duty is amplified in the conflict between Dusyanta’s private and public lives. As a king, Dusyanta’s public life must take precedence over his private desires; in briefly forgetting his people as Madhavya alleges, Dusyanta commits his second lapse. Since he has fallen short of dharma on two counts—as a son and as a king—the plot foreshadows Dusyanta will have to pay a price. The schema of dharma versus kama is repeated in Sakuntala’s desire for Dusyanta: While it is lawful for Sakuntala, who is of royal descent, to marry in secret without the consent of her guardians, it is still suggested that she breaches her filial duty in not seeking Kanva’s counsel. Thus, the plot sets up both Dusyanta and Sakuntala for a period of grief, during which they must make up for their violation of dharma.
Madhavya’s character introduces humor into the play, much in the manner of the Shakespearean fool. When Dusyanta tells Madhavya of Sakuntala’s bashfulness, the Vidusaka cheekily replies: “Perhaps you expected her to jump into your lap the moment she clapped eyes on you?” (26). While bringing in humor, Madhavya also serves to raise pertinent issues about kingship and rule. He advises Dusyanta against the hunt, which seems to be taking forever, as well as stalling the hunt to pursue his passion. He admonishes Dusyanta that Dusyanta’s neglect of his body (his people) has caused Madhavya to physically suffer. Madhavya’s speech here is another example of the rich wordplay in the text. The instance when Dusyanta dismisses his own confession as fantasy before Madhavya is an example of the play’s deft use of foreshadowing and plotting. Since Dusyanta’s denial of his love for Sakuntala is introduced as a plot point, it is sure to play an important role in later proceedings.
Act III constitutes the peak of the erotic and romantic moods in the play. Both Dusyanta and Sakuntala are shown suffering in (yet) unrequited love in their own ways. While Sakuntala has been struck by heatstroke, a metaphor for her burning up with the fever of love, Dusyanta is left to rave in solitude. The plot must reward the lovers for their penance and suffering with a consummation of love, and this act sets up the scene for the consummation. Sakuntala displays her agency when she begins to confess her love for Dusyanta, being as bold as to write him a letter and make the first move. Interestingly, just as Sakuntala is composing her love song (the only instance in the play she is given a song, instead of dialogue), Dusyanta bursts out of his hiding place, confessing his love for her. This illustrates that though Sakuntala has individual agency, Dusyanta, being a man and a king, must supersede her in action.
The conversation between Dusyanta and Sakuntala pits them as equals, as does Sakuntala’s despair when parting from Dusyanta. She says in an aside that she regrets her bashfulness when “what [she] most desired was within [her] grasp” (41). Sakuntala’s declaration foreshadows her secret marriage to Dusyanta, which occurs offstage in the time period between Acts III and IV. Although Dusyanta does woo Sakuntala with his words and declaration of love, it is implied that Sakuntala’s consent to the marriage is free and empowered. The tension between Sakuntala’s acts of agency and her subsequent poor treatment by Dusyanta and others shows a society in flux where its attitudes toward women were concerned.
Another key development which illustrates the structure of the play’s society is the question of Sakuntala’s parentage. While in contemporary portrayals of romance, love is often seen as disruptive, transgressing the boundaries of class, social status, and gender, in classical Sanskrit theatre one must balance the transgressive element of love with one’s dharmic duty. Thus, Sakuntala and Dusyanta are a right match because of Sakuntala’s biological parentage. The Recognition of Sakuntala, being a comedy with a happy resolution on all fronts, needs to preserve the status quo. This is analogous to Shakespearean drama, where happy couples are usually from similar social strata. In fact, couples who transgress the boundaries of social order, such as Romeo and Juliet, usually have a tragic ending. The importance given to Sakuntala’s parentage also indicates the central role of caste in late ancient Indian society.
Another important theme and juxtaposition that becomes clearer in Acts II and III is the juxtaposition between Nature’s Purity Versus Urban Corruption, reflected in the different lifestyles of the royals and the ascetics. The hermitage is presented as an uncorrupted sanctuary, with Shakuntala and her friends embodying the raw beauty of nature. Characters—especially Dusyanta—often remark on how the unadorned Sakuntala is far more attractive than the painted women of the city. The rituals of the ascetics too are described as beautiful and pure, their lifestyle extolled. When Madhavya suggests to Dusyanta that he enter the ashram on the pretext of seeking tax, Dusyanta chides him: “Fool! The tax these ascetics pay is of quite another kind, and much more valuable than mountains of pearls” (27, emphasis added). While the wild and the pastoral is exalted in place of the material and the urban, the plot acknowledges that one cannot escape worldly duties. Even Sakuntala, who is identified with nature, must step out into the larger world and fulfil her duty of being a queen, a wife, and a mother.
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