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Jill LeporeA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
In October 1492, Christopher Columbus supposedly wrote in his diary that he and his crew had seen naked people on the island they called Haiti—“land of mountains.” Columbus called the island Hispaniola—“the little Spanish island”—because he believed that the island on which he had landed had no name. Columbus noticed that the people who lived there had no weapons and no tools. He figured they also lacked a faith and exercised no guile. He wrote to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain, telling them that he would take six of them back to Spain so that they could learn to speak, for neither he nor his crew understood a word that they spoke.
Two months after his journey to Haiti, Columbus intended to go back to Spain, but his three-masted ship sank. His crew “salvaged the timbers to build a fort” (4). The sunken ship has never been found. Columbus thought about the people he had met, whom he called “Indians” because he believed he had sailed to the East Indies.
When Columbus arrived in Barcelona, he hired Ramón Pané, a priest and scholar, to accompany him on his next voyage. He figured that Pané could come to understand the indigenous people in Haiti and how they worshipped. Pané sailed to Haiti with Columbus in 1493. There, the priest met a man named Guatícabanú, who spoke all of the island’s languages and who then learned Castilian—Pané’s native tongue. Pané lived among the natives of Haiti, the Taíno, for four years. He provided Columbus with a report on them—An Account of the Antiquities of the Indians. Soon after Pané wrote the text, it disappeared, but while writing a biography of his father, Ferdinand Columbus copied Pané’s account. This was then copied by other scholars, including the Dominican friar Bartolomé de Las Casas.
The Taíno had no writing, but they did have a faith. Their god was named Yúcahu. They also had origin stories for the heavens and the sea, and a belief in the afterlife. In addition, they had a form of government, whose laws were preserved in ancient songs, according to Pané. Around 3 million people lived on Haiti at the time that Columbus landed. Half a century later, there were only 500 native people there. The rest had died, largely from diseases the Spanish had introduced.
In 1492, 75 million people lived in what are now North and South America. Some had created amazing settlements. The Cahokia, for example, had constructed “the biggest city in North America, on the Mississippi floodplains” (7). There were “giant plazas and earthen mounds, some bigger than the Egyptian pyramids” (7-8). Before the natives abandoned the settlement, around 1000 BCE, over 10,000 people lived there.
However, most indigenous peoples lived in smaller settlements. They were hunters, fishermen, and gatherers. Many farmed squash, corn, and beans. They raised pigs and chickens, but no bigger livestock. They also “spoke hundreds of languages and practiced many different faiths,” despite having no written language (8). They were polytheistic and believed that all living creatures and the earth itself were divine. The Taíno lived in small villages, composed of one to 2,000 people led by a cacique—the Taíno word for a king or prince. They also fought with their neighbors and adorned their bodies.
In 1492, around 60 million people lived in all of Europe—15 million fewer than lived in North and South America. Europeans lived in diverse arrangements—“in villages and towns, in cities and states, in kingdoms and empires,” some of which had castles and universities, cathedrals and mosques, and numerous universities (8). Most farmed. They raised crops, cattle, sheep, and goats. Before Columbus’s voyage, Europe faced famine and a paucity of resources. After 1492, Europe became flush with the wealth extracted from the Americas by enslaved Africans’ forced labor. This new wealth led to the emergence of nation-states, which led to new origin stories. Everyone in the new English nation, for example, was said to have the same ancestors; though, this was not true. The United States, when it formed in 1776, also created an origin story. Having just fought England for its independence, its populace did not wish to celebrate its English origins. To solve this problem, the new nation’s earliest historians tied their origin story to Columbus’s 1492 voyage. The United States was not merely “an offshoot of England,” but a nation rooted in Greco-Roman traditions, politically tied to France, and religiously connected to Palestine (10).
Western Europeans, however, were not the only group who knew enough to cross an ocean. The Maya people “knew enough astronomy to navigate across the ocean as early as AD 300” (10). The ancient Greeks were skilled cartographers and astronomers, but much of their knowledge was lost during the Middle Ages when medieval Christians dismissed them as pagan. The Chinese invented the compass in the 11th century and had sailing capabilities. However, by the late 15th century, the Chinese had become inward-looking, convinced that little of interest existed beyond their borders. West Africans, too, navigated their coastline and rivers, leading to the construction of an extensive trade network.
In the mid-15th century, Prince Henry of Portugal sent ships to West Africa and began trading enslaved people with African merchants. They also set up forts and colonies on islands off the coast. By 1482, Columbus was a sailor on Portuguese slave-trading ships. Two years later, he proposed to the king of Portugal a plan to take a westward route to Asia. After consulting with a group of scholars, the king rejected the proposition. Columbus next went to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who initially rejected the plan. They were preoccupied with their wars of religion and with expelling Jews and Muslims from their realm. By 1492, however, they agreed that Columbus should sail west to trade and spread Christianity. They also asked him to keep a diary, in which he would chronicle his experiences.
Writing is part of the reason why the historical record is so unfair, as Lepore reminds us. Most people who have lived either did not have writing as part of their culture or, if they did write, left nothing behind. In October 1492, Columbus declared that he would take possession of Haiti, the island on which he stood, for the king and queen of Spain. He then wrote down this declaration. Columbus took no record of the beliefs and customs of the people he met; instead, he decided that they had none. He also determined that they had no civil government, which meant that they could not own anything. He did not, however, consider the island a new world. It was Amerigo Vespucci, an explorer from Florence, Italy, who had crossed the Atlantic in 1503, who made this declaration about the new lands he visited. In his Mundus Novus, Vespucci remarked on the abundance of land and people in this strange place. Martin Waldseemüller, a German cartographer, drew a map of the world onto 12 woodblocks. In recognition of Vespucci, Waldseemüller invented a new word for the fourth part of the world: America.
Between 1500 and 1800, around 2.5 million Europeans immigrated to the Americas. They carried 12 million Africans, whom they had enslaved, with them. As a result of their immigration, up to 50 million indigenous peoples died, mainly of disease, during these years. The seizure of American lands helped to propel Europe’s economic growth and led to the end of famine. This development of wealth fostered the rise of capitalism. Between 1500 and 1600, Europeans carried around 200 tons of gold and 16,000 tons of silver from the Americas back to Europe. Adam Smith listed the discovery of America and the southern route to the East Indies through the Cape of Good Hope among “the two greatest and most important events recorded in the history of mankind” (17).
Columbus was a veteran of the slave trade, which had been practiced throughout the world for many centuries, usually as a result of conquering nations taking prisoners of war. He told Ferdinand and Isabella that it would be simple to enslave the Indigenous Taíno. Thus, the Spanish worked to death those whom they had enslaved in gold and sugar mines. Those who didn’t die from overwork and starvation died from disease, leading the Spaniards to turn to the enslaved Africans routinely traded by the Portuguese.
In 1493, Columbus made a second trans-Atlantic voyage. This time he led a 17-ship fleet that carried 1,200 men, as well as seeds for various crops, including wheat and sugar cane, and various livestock, male and female, two by two. Inadvertently, they also brought seeds from plants that Europeans regarded as weeds, such as bluegrass, ferns, daisies, and dandelions. Those weeds grew in soil that had been disturbed due to forest razing, as well as the hooves of horses and cattle. The cattle, pigs, goats, sheep, horses, and chickens that Europeans brought to the Americas had no known natural predators, but they had plenty of food, leading them to reproduce more prolifically than they had in Europe. Meanwhile, indigenous peoples in the Americas died exponentially. Having been isolated “for hundreds of millions of years,” they had no immunity against diseases such as smallpox, measles, influenza, chicken pox, and bubonic plague (19). Spanish conquistadors arrived in the North American mainland in 1513. Within decades, they had conquered what became Mexico and over half of the future continental United States in what they called New Spain.
Six years later, Hernán Cortés, mayor of Santiago, Cuba, led 600 Spaniards and over 1,000 indigenous allies into Mexico, where he captured Tenochtitlán, “a city said to have been grander than Paris or Rome, and destroyed it without pity or mercy” (22). This destruction included the Aztec libraries. In 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado took an army of Spaniards to what is now New Mexico, looking for a rumored city of gold. There, the Zuni people confronted them. The tribe was, ultimately, overcome by the Spanish, who had the advantage of firearms.
The Spanish, unlike future English colonizers, did not travel to the Americas with families. When the all-male armies arrived, they took indigenous women. In some instances, they raped them. In others, they loved and married them, raising families together. Their offspring resulted in “an intricate caste system marked by gradations of skin color,” caused by the mixtures of European, Indigenous, and African ancestors (23). The English, on the other hand, would only acknowledge people as “black” or “white.”
However, the priest and historian Bartolomé de Las Casas and Spain’s royal historian, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda, who had never been to the Americas, would debate the justness of the conquest. Sepúlveda had argued that the difference between the Spanish and the natives “was as great as that ‘between apes and men’” (24).
While the French and Spanish had settlements throughout the Americas in the 16th and 17th centuries, the English did not send the Italian explorer John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) across the ocean until 1497. Cabot disappeared during his return voyage, and the English did not bother to send anyone else. The English were interested in colonization, but their focus, until 1584, was on the East. In that fateful year, Queen Elizabeth asked one of her ministers, Richard Hakluyt, whether she ought to found colonies in the Americas. He believed, as many other English did, that they were nobler than the Spanish. Thus, their presence could liberate the natives from the Spaniards’ cruelties. Elizabeth, the Protestant queen, had resolved to fight Spain in every arena she could.
Still, while she liked the idea of the English having a presence in the Americas, she did not want to pay the costs of conquest. She issued a royal patent to Walter Raleigh, one of her favorite courtiers, allowing him to seize land south of Newfoundland. Raleigh, a writer and adventurer, sent out a fleet of seven ships and 600 sailors in 1584. Raleigh’s men landed on what are now the Outer Banks of North Carolina. One hundred and four men stayed behind, intending to remain through winter while they awaited a supply ship and planned their search for gold. They built a fort against potential Spanish invaders. They wrote home, reporting about “a land of ravishing beauty and staggering plenty” (28). However, the supply ship was delayed, leading the colonists to starve. In June, Sir Frances Drake commanded a fleet to Carolina, carrying 300 chained Africans. Drake offered to leave the colonists with food and a ship, or they could go home. Every colonist chose to leave. They replaced the Africans, whom Drake may have simply dumped into the ocean.
A 1587 expedition to Roanoke failed due to England’s preoccupation with defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588. England won the fateful naval war, but John White, the colonizer who hoped to establish a permanent colony at Roanoke, was unable to secure more ships to sail there. When he finally made it back in 1590, he found no colonists.
Lepore starts the chapter by recounting the nebulous and complex history of Columbus’s explorations of what became North America. Columbus’s “discovery” and its aftermath read as a mixture of luck, naïveté, and avarice. His vision of Haiti was that of a Garden of Eden. His saw the beauty of its natural landscape and sensed, wrongly, that its inhabitants, due to different customs, were guileless. His view was a paternalistic one—similar to that which would later be usurped by the English, though Columbus and the Spanish were more ostensibly focused on conquering land and seizing mineral wealth, while the English developed the pretense of wanting to civilize. Both nations had the false, Eurocentric sense that only Christian faiths and European languages were valid. Their internal rivalry was rooted both in desires for colonial dominance and in the religious wars that had engulfed Western Europe.
The accuracy of Columbus’s history, and that of Pané’s interactions with the Taíno, are dependent on the veracity of the transcriptions and the transcribers’ commitments to veracity. We have only pieces of Columbus’s diary and no way of knowing the intentions of those who took care to maintain records. In this regard, our understanding of history is dependent on our agreement to trust the recordkeepers, in addition to drawing conclusions based on fragments of information.
Lepore, to give the reader a sense of the grandiosity of some early Indigenous civilizations, compares some of their early wonders to the Egyptian pyramids, noting that some edifices were even bigger. Unlike Westerners, many tribes were likely not beholden to their settlements and creations but were migratory—a distinction that early explorers probably would not have understood. Lepore also contrasts the indigenous peoples’ lack of writing with the West’s emphasis on it, as exemplified by the recording of Columbus’s and Pané’s respective accounts. Finally, she points out how some indigenous peoples had the capacity and knowledge to explore foreign lands, thus ruling out the view that, unlike Europeans, other peoples and cultures lacked the capability or curiosity. With these details, Lepore contrasts Columbus’s ignorance with the facts we have about who indigenous tribes were—peoples with hundreds of languages and diverse polytheistic faiths. Unlike the Europeans, many of them seemed to have a respect for nature and other living beings.
Lepore explains in this chapter how European exploration and the subsequent establishment of trade routes, which included the pillaging of mineral resources, early enslavement, and human trafficking, were integral to the continent’s modernization during the Renaissance. The project of constructing America, both geographically and ideologically, was one that involved multiple Western European nations. The land Europeans imagined also comprised more territory and future nations than the US alone. This may explain why some Europeans still think of both North and South America when mention is made of “America.”
Conquest was about the dominance of both peoples and land. The latter occurred through the introductions of new plant species and animals. Like Noah, Columbus sent pairs of animals—one male, one female—to populate what is now North America.
The English and Spanish had disparate notions about conquest and early concepts of race. The Spanish were sexually indiscriminate and intermarried, while the English either avoided what their American descendants later termed “miscegenation,” or denied that they engaged in it. The English took on a paternalist view of themselves as a superior and more benevolent people, though the actions of Sir Francis Drake directly contradict this notion. Like the Spanish settlers, they went to North America and saw a land of plenty, then availed themselves of its resources.
The English defeat of the Spanish Armada displaced Spain as a world power. It also contributed to the rise of England as a naval and colonial power. England’s use of its entire naval fleet to battle the Armada may have been integral to its catastrophic failure to colonize Roanoke. The disappearance of Roanoke colony reveals the limitations of England’s capacities during this period, compared to that of Mediterranean countries. The island nation’s resources were eclipsed by its colonial ambitions, which later became boundless.
The English called the Indigenous ruler Wahunsunacock, Powhatan, or “king,” for diplomacy. James I, Elizabeth’s successor, regarded himself as king of Virginia, thereby making Powhatan his subject. James believed that he had been divinely appointed, making him more determined than Elizabeth to create a colony in the Americas. In 1606, he issued a charter allowing men to settle in Virginia. This emphasis on settlement encouraged trade with Powhatan instead of war. Still, the settlers dug for minerals. James also granted land to two corporations: the Virginia Company and the Plymouth Company. Virginia, then extended “from what is now South Carolina to Canada” (33). England’s colonies would be commercial and comprised of “free men, not vassals” (33). The English, who were also Protestants, would teach converts to read Scripture and set up churches.
Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the English set up over two dozen colonies, comprising Eastern coastal settlements and rice fields in Georgia and the Caribbean. To settle Virginia, the Virginia Company gathered both soldiers from England’s religious wars and men who were eager to make fortunes. John Smith, who was later elected the colony’s governor, was among these former fighters in religious wars. While there, he crowned Powhatan “king” and draped over the chief’s shoulders the scarlet robe that James I had sent. Meanwhile, the English colonists starved and sent Smith back to England, complaining that, under his rule, Virginia had become a hell. In the winter of 1609-10, 500 colonists were reduced to 60 as a result of starvation. Soon they resorted to cannibalism. England received word of these conditions. In 1622, the indigenous people rose up against the English and killed hundreds. The colony recovered with the help of a cash crop—tobacco, a plant then found only in the Americas and “long cultivated by the natives” (37).
In July 1619, “two men from each of eleven parts of the colony” met in the House of Burgesses, “the first self-governing body in the colonies” (37). A month later, 20 Africans arrived in Virginia—the first enslaved people in British America. They came from what is now Angola and were seized by the English from a Portuguese ship.
In the summer of 1620, the Mayflower “lay anchored in the harbor of the English town of Plymouth” (38). There were around 60 passengers on the ship—41 of them were men who had clashed with the Church of England. They brought their wives, children, and servants. William Bradford was the chronicler of these people whom he called “pilgrims.” He also became the governor of the colony, in addition to its primary historian. The pilgrims, Bradford explained, had left England for Holland a decade earlier. They settled in Leiden, a university town known for its religious tolerance. Then, after 10 years in exile, they decided to start anew elsewhere. They thought “of those vast and unpeopled countries of America […] devoid of all civil inhabitants,” Bradford wrote (38). They sailed for 66 days and ended up on the coast of Cape Cod, due to drifting off course. They had intended to sail to Virginia. Unwilling to risk the choppy seas again, they rowed to the nearest shore. On the day they arrived, they signed the Mayflower Compact—a pledge to form a civic body.
Unlike the men who settled in Virginia, those who set up New England had no charter from the king. They were fleeing from the king. In England, members of Parliament also questioned James’s “divine right” to rule. The battle that ensued between the king and his government would send tens of thousands more exiles to North America. Those who immigrated to the colonies would have within them “a deep and abiding spirit of rebellion against arbitrary rule” (39).
John Winthrop, one of another band of church dissenters known as Puritans, joined an expedition to found a colony in Massachusetts Bay. In 1630, Winthrop became the first governor of Massachusetts. In his address “A Model of Christian Charity,” he described the union between his people as one held together “by the ligaments of love” (43). Roger Williams, who had once been Edward Coke’s stenographer, arrived with the Massachusetts Bay mission. For his commitment to religious tolerance, he was banished. The following year, he founded Rhode Island. Colonies that were not founded on religious principles were still created by dissenters of some sort.
English migrants arrived as families and, sometimes, as entire towns, “hoping to found a Christian commonwealth, a religious community bound to the common wealth of all” (44). Their understanding of the world was hierarchical. Their family units were also small commonwealths, in which the father was the head. They built towns around land owned in common. They also believed that everything happened for a reason—all events were ordained by God, particularly the accretion of wealth.
In 1636, Puritans in New England founded Harvard College with the intention of educating both Indigenous and English youth. The following year, in Connecticut, colonists and the Pequots began warring with each other. After the colonists won, they sold captured Pequots as slaves to English settlers in the Caribbean. In 1638, the first enslaved Africans arrived in Salem, Massachusetts on board a ship called Desire. They had been traded for the Pequots. The ship also carried cotton and tobacco. About half of colonial New Englanders’ wealth would come from profits derived from the sugar grown by those enslaved in the Caribbean.
Though the English came late to slave-trading, once they entered the trade, they quickly dominated it. Between 1600 and 1800, 1 million Europeans migrated to the British colonies, while 2.5 million Africans were forcibly transported there. Though they died faster than the European settlers, they still outnumbered their free counterparts by “two and a half to one” (45). While the English had previously told stories of the cruelty of the Spanish and condemned the Portuguese for trading Africans, they abandoned these judgments by the 1640s. By then, English settlers in the Barbados had started to plant sugar. The planters purchased Africans from the Spanish and Dutch and, later, from the English. In 1663, the English founded the Company of Royal Adventurers of England Trading with Africa. In the final quarter of that century, English ships, piloted and crewed by English captains and sailors, carried over 250 million men, women, and children across the Atlantic in shackles. Most of the Africans were Bantu speakers, while others were Akan and some Igbo.
Having found no clear guidelines from antiquity or modern Western civilization on how to determine who would be enslaved and who would be free, the English settlers created new practices and laws in which they established the division between “blacks” and “whites.” They used a Roman law, which declared that one’s position in society was determined by whatever one’s mother was, to ensure that no children begat by white men and Black women would be free.
While English colonists sought to justify the enslavement of Africans, the English king’s subjects struggled over his “divine right” to rule. As a result of this battle, the notion of divine right was replaced by another idea: the people’s sovereignty. English American colonists rewrote laws to determine the relationship between governors and the governed. Indigenous tribes, meanwhile, revolted again and again in the final quarter of the 17th century. New England Algonquians, led by Metacom, tried to oust the colonists by attacking a series of towns. As a result of their efforts, over half of all English towns were either abandoned or destroyed. Metacom was later captured, shot, and beheaded. His severed head was set on a pike. The colonists then sold his nine-year-old son to the Caribbean, while a slave uprising broke out in Barbados. The Barbadian legislature passed a law banning the purchase of indigenous peoples from New England, believing their presence would help stoke rebellion. Native peoples also attacked English towns in Maryland and Virginia.
William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, refused to retaliate against warring tribes, causing a colonist named Nathaniel Bacon to lead 500 men to Jamestown in revolt. Bacon and his men, in what came to be called Bacon’s Rebellion, burned the town to the ground. Before Bacon’s Rebellion, poor white men in the region had little political power. Most were “debtors or convicts or indentured servants”—neither enslaved nor quite free (56). After the rebellion, such men were granted the right to vote. The rebellion also helped to solidify race as a marker between who was enslaved and who was free—"to be black was to be a slave” (56).
Meanwhile, in 1692, 19 men and women were convicted of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. Those declared witches were likely coping with the trauma of being attacked by indigenous tribes. They repeatedly described the devil as a tawny or brown man. Some described the devil as “a black man.” Both descriptions led Boston minister Cotton Mather to think that Black people and native peoples were evil.
Uprisings of enslaved Africans broke out throughout North America. In Jamaica, which had a majority Black population, a Black man named Cudjoe built towns in the mountains that the English called “maroon” towns. The First Maroon War ended in 1739 with a treaty in which the British agreed to acknowledge the five maroon towns and freed both Cudjoe and his followers. The formerly enslaved men were granted over 1,500 acres of land. Rumors of rebellion in the Caribbean reached the Carolinas and Georgia within weeks. Slaves, like colonists, traded gossip with those who arrived on ships. In 1739, during the Stono Rebellion, over 100 Black men killed 20 white people in South Carolina—“a colony where blacks outnumbered whites by two to one” (58). The rebels hoped to go to Spanish Florida, where the Spanish had promised fugitive slaves freedom. They were led by a man from Angola named Jemmy who spoke his native Kikongo, English, and Portuguese. He could also read and write.
In response to the Stono Rebellion, the South Carolina legislature passed “An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing Negroes.” The law restricted the movement of enslaved Black people, developed standards for their treatment, created punishments for their crimes, and explained procedures for their prosecution and set the rules for presenting evidence at their trials. The law also made it illegal for anyone to teach a slave how to read or write. Meanwhile, literacy was growing among white colonists, who had started to print pamphlets and books, as well as their own newspapers. The first printing press in the New World developed in Boston in 1639. The colonies’ first newspaper, Publick Occurrences, appeared in Boston in 1690. At first, the news comprised developments from Europe. Increasingly, the newspapers reported more about what occurred in colonies. They began to question authority and insisted on their liberties, particularly the liberty of the press. Benjamin Franklin was one of the fiercest advocates of freedom of the press.
A major battle over the freedom of the press occurred in New York, where German immigrant John Peter Zenger published the New-York Weekly Journal, founded in 1733. The newspaper frequently criticized the governor of New York, William Cosby, who had been appointed by the king. Thin-skinned and imperious, Cosby ordered that all copies of the paper be burned and had Zenger arrested for seditious libel. Zenger was tried before New York’s Supreme Court and was represented by Andrew Hamilton, an attorney from Philadelphia. Hamilton argued that everything Zenger had printed about the governor’s misbehavior was true, leading the jury to find Zenger not guilty. Cosby died the following year. While white New Yorkers believed that if a governor misbehaved they had the right to remove him from office, they also worried that enslaved Black people in New York would similarly depose them from power. They were especially concerned because many of those enslaved in New York had come from the Caribbean, particularly from islands known for slave uprisings. Their fear led them to arrest and imprison over 150 Black men in the city. Some were hanged, while others were burned at the stake.
By 1750, the colonies had regionally distinct characteristics. New England settlers had the greatest longevity, while those in the South had a high mortality rate and were outnumbered by enslaved Africans. The middle colonies had a mixed population of European immigrants and a population healthier than those in the South and the Caribbean, but not as healthy as those in New England. However, there were few differences in the manners and characters of the people. A religious revival, led by the English evangelical George Whitefield, was partly responsible for making them more alike. Whitefield told his followers that they could be reborn in the body of Christ. He also “emphasized the divinity of ordinary people” and targeted farmers, artisans, and servants when proselytizing (68).
In this chapter, Lepore illustrates how the settlement of North America depended, too, on the ambitions of new monarchs. Commercial interests were often tied to missionary ones—that is, James I sought to spread Protestantism, perhaps to counteract the increasing influence of Catholicism in French, Portuguese, and Spanish colonies. The settlement of Plymouth County was, unlike Columbus’s landing in Haiti, a matter largely of happenstance and good fortune. The Pilgrims and Puritans who arrived had a different purpose—freedom from religious tyranny. The precedent they set contrasted sharply from the avaricious interests of previous settlers though their vision was somewhat aligned to the idea of America as an Eden: an untouched land in which they could begin anew and live in relative peace. In this vision, they had discounted those who already lived in the Americas, as well as their will to preserve their own autonomy and ways of life.
By pointing out the involvement of the Northern colonies in the slave trade, Lepore debunks the myth that the North had little to do with slavery. Not only did these colonies and, later, states engage in the slave trade and slaveholding until the early 19th century, they continued to depend on the profits of cash crops, harvested by slave labor. Later, they would be particularly dependent on the labor that harvested the cotton supplying the textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts.
Lepore’s chronicles of the slave rebellions throughout the Americas also debunks the myth of Black docility—the belief that reinforces white supremacy by claiming that a lack of resistance among enslaved Africans fostered the institution of slavery. Lepore enumerates and describes rebellions in the Caribbean, particularly, but also in the US, from the 1739 Stono Rebellion to Gabriel Prosser’s attempted revolt in 1800 to Nat Turner’s massive uprising in 1831 to John Brown’s failed attempt to seize Harper’s Ferry on the eve of the Civil War.
Lepore juxtaposes these uprisings which, for many years later were not contextualized as freedom struggles, with Bacon’s Rebellion, which helped lead to the use of race as a marker of one’s citizenship status.
In the 1690s, both racial and gender lines were solidified. Women who behaved outside of the realm of respectability could be severely and mortally punished. “Black” Africans and “brown” Indigenous peoples became agents of evil in the white imagination, partly to demonize those whom white people struggled against for power and dominance. That control came to include restrictions on Black people’s access to information, which would later evolve into vociferous limitations on free speech in the South. Southern states, such as South Carolina, which had a large population of enslaved Black people—so large that it outnumbered the white population—were most dependent on slave labor and, therefore, strongly opposed to any instigations against slavery both internally and externally. Even in New York, a city with a relatively small Black population, the fear of Black dominance was palpable. This suggests that, since the Colonial Era, American political and social structures were built on the notion of hierarchy—the dominant seeking to maintain control over the dominated while living in constant fear of being toppled.
In 1757, Britain and France were attacking each other’s ships, continuing a war that had broken out three years earlier. The fighting had begun in Pennsylvania, as the British had wanted “land that the French had claimed in the Ohio Valley” (76). A skirmish broke out in May 1754, when a small group of Virginia militiamen and their indigenous allies, led by 21-year-old Lieutenant Colonel George Washington, “ambushed a French camp” (76). Washington, however, was inexperienced in battle and the attack proved disastrous for the colonists.
Several weeks later, colonial delegates met in Albany to consider Franklin’s proposal that they set up a common defense. Ultimately, the assemblies rejected the idea. The French and Indian War broke out soon thereafter. William Pitt, Britain’s new secretary of state, was “determined to win the war and settle Britain’s claims in North America” (77). Pitt had also promised the colonies that the Crown would pay for the war. However, Britain broke that promise and, instead, levied taxes on the colonists. This decision would lead the colonists to seek independence.
In 1759, weeks after the British and American forces defeated the French in Quebec, George III was crowned king of Great Britain. The new king, out of fear of more Indigenous uprisings, “issued a proclamation that no colonists could settle west of the Appalachian Mountains,” though many colonists already resided there (80).
In 1764, to help pay for the debts from the Seven Years’ War and to “fund the defense of the colonies,” Parliament passed the American Revenue Act, also called the Sugar Act (80). The colonists argued that because they had no representatives in Parliament the legislative body “had no right to levy taxes on them” (81). Samuel Adams, a Massachusetts assemblyman, suggested that the levying of taxes without legal representation reduced the colonists from subjects to slaves.
The following year, Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which “required placing government-issued paper stamps on all manner of printed paper” (81). Those who opposed the act called themselves the Sons of Liberty, modeled on the Sons of Liberty in 1750s Ireland. They also believed that they were rebelling against slavery. John Adams invoked this sentiment when he declared that the colonists would not be the “negroes” of British creditors. The tax most severely penalized those who printed newspapers. Printers throughout the colonies complained that “Parliament was trying to reduce the colonists to a state of slavery by destroying the freedom of the press” (82).
One month before the Stamp Act was set to take effect, 27 delegates from nine colonies met in New York’s city hall. They called themselves the Stamp Act Congress. The congress declared that the colonists were to consent to taxes or have them levied by their own representatives. In 1766, Benjamin Franklin appeared before the House of Commons to explain why colonists would not pay the tax. He told the members that the colonists’ respect for Parliament had lessened considerably, and that their understanding of common rights, under the Magna Carta, had influenced their aversion to Parliament’s exercise of this authority.
Meanwhile, colonists in the West Indies hardly complained about the Stamp Act. They were too worried about slave insurrections. In the British Caribbean, Black people outnumbered white people eight to one. A quarter of all British troops stationed in British North America were in the West Indies. In exchange for this protection, the Caribbean planters were very willing to pay a tax on stamps. The planters also blamed the colonists on the mainland for stirring a desire for liberty among those enslaved. The American colonists, on the other hand, regarded the West Indian planters as slavish and timid in response to the Crown. Their response was a boycott on Caribbean goods.
Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766. A week after the news reached Boston, the town voted to abolish slavery. Pamphleteers advocated for the abolition of slavery throughout Massachusetts Colony. In 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, which levied “taxes on lead, paper, paint, glass, and tea” (87). This, too, caused rioting and boycotts among colonists.
In March 1770, British troops fired into a crowd in Boston, killing five men in what came to be called the Boston Massacre. The Sons of Liberty demanded relief from an occupying army, while the colonists in the West Indies asked for a larger military presence to protect them from Black people.
In 1766, the Massachusetts Assembly considered an antislavery bill. However, some in Massachusetts worried that a move toward abolition would divide the Northern colonies from those in the South. John Adams, particularly, worried about the bill’s impact on colonial union. The following year, the British court took up the case of Somerset v. Stewart in which an African man, James Somerset, successfully sued for his freedom from a Boston-based British customs officer, Charles Stewart. The case taught the enslaved two lessons: First, that they could possibly seek their freedom through the courts; and, secondly, that they were likelier able to secure freedom in Britain than in the American colonies.
In May 1773, Parliament passed the Tea Act—an attempt to save the nearly bankrupt East India Company by, once again, placing a tax burden on the American colonies. In the fall, when three ships carrying tea arrived in Boston, “dozens of colonists disguised as Mohawks—warring Indians—boarded the boats and dumped chests of tea into the harbor” in what came to be known as “the Boston Tea Party” (88). In response, Parliament passed the Coercive Acts, which closed Boston Harbor and “annulled the Massachusetts charter” (88).
In September, 56 delegates from 12 of the 13 colonies met in Philadelphia as the First Continental Congress. George Washington was the delegate from Virginia. While the Stamp Act concerned all of the colonies, the Coercive Acts seemed to be only Massachusetts’s problem. Worse, delegates from Massachusetts seemed fanatical in their desire to declare independence from Britain. Washington spoke to the Massachusetts delegates and, by the following month, was certain that it was now no one’s wish to seek independence.
Another Virginia delegate, Patrick Henry, suggested that the delegates should “cast a number of votes proportionate to their colonies’ number of white inhabitants” (90). However, without any accurate population figures, the colonists decided to give each colony one vote. Henry was pleased that there would no longer be any distinction between colonists. They were all, simply, Americans.
The new Continental Congress urged colonists to stockpile weapons and form militias. It also decided “to boycott all British imports and to ban all trade with the West Indies” (91). Lord North, the prime minister, commissioned the essayist Samuel Johnson to write a response to the Continental Congress’s complaints against Britain. In his book Taxation No Tyranny (1775), Johnson wondered how it was that the loudest cries for liberty came from those who were slave drivers. Johnson was notably antislavery: His companion, collaborator, and heir, Francis Barber, was a Black man from Jamaica.
On April 19, 1775, 70 armed militiamen met General Thomas Gage and his troops in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. The British killed ten of the soldiers—or, minutemen—farmers who had pledged to be ready for battle at a moment’s notice. The rebels then moved into Boston, which had been occupied by the British army. Four-fifths of the city’s inhabitants attempted to escape. They were the first refugees of the Revolutionary War. Those who hoped to reconcile with Britain now had to respond to the stories of those from Massachusetts, who were even more radicalized. In June, Congress voted to set up the Continental Army. John Adams nominated George Washington to be its commander. Washington went to Massachusetts to take command of the forces. At the time, most colonists remained loyal to the Crown. If they supported any resistance, it was in the interest of securing their rights as Englishmen, not as Americans. Meanwhile, Lord Dunmore, the royal governor of Virginia, offered freedom to slaves who agreed to join the British army. Edward Rutledge, a Continental Congress delegate from South Carolina, believed that Lord Dunmore’s declaration created an “eternal separation between Great Britain and the Colonies” (94).
Still, about one-third of colonists were patriots, while another third remained Loyalists. The final third was undecided. At the Continental Congress in June, Pennsylvania delegate John Dickinson drafted the Articles of Confederation. In the document, Dickinson used the phrase “the united states” for the first time, which he may have found in a book of treaties from the mid-17th century. The first draft of the Articles of Confederation called for each state to contribute to the defense and the government according to their respective populations, which therefore required a census to be taken every three years. The final Articles of Confederation were more akin to a peace treaty, “establishing a defensive alliance among sovereign states” and a system of government (97).
Congress then appointed a Committee of Five to draft what became the Declaration of Independence: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Robert R. Livingston, and Roger Sherman. Jefferson prepared the first draft. The Declaration explained why the colonists were fighting. The cause of the revolution, they argued, was that the king had placed his subjects “under arbitrary power, reducing them to a state of slavery” (98). To write the Declaration, Jefferson borrowed heavily from George Mason’s Virginia Declaration of Rights. It included a list of grievances and charges against the king, particularly unfair taxation, the dissolution of colonial assemblies, and his maintenance of a standing army in the colonies. In the statement’s longest draft, Jefferson blamed George III for imposing slavery on the colonialists and now inciting them to rise up against their owners. Congress later struck this passage from the Declaration.
In July, messengers read the Declaration of Independence aloud to cheering crowds who pulled down statues of the king and melted them for bullets. Several weeks later, another slave rebellion broke out in Jamaica, and the planters blamed the Americans for inciting it. During the Revolutionary War, one in five American slaves left their owners to be freed by the British. Most were caught, recaptured, and punished. Still, it seemed a good bet in a climate in which most expected the British to win the war. The British started with 32,000 soldiers, far better disciplined and experienced than their American opponents, who numbered only 19,000. William Howe, commander in chief of the British forces, focused on New York and Philadelphia, but his victories in those cities brought little benefit. Unlike in Europe, no city in the new nation was established enough to encourage a surrender.
For the British, the American Revolution was “one front in a much larger war, a war for empire, a world war” (100). Like the French and Indian War, it impacted other parts of North America, but also impacted West Africa, the Caribbean, South Asia, and the Mediterranean. In 1778, France entered the war as an ally to the Americans. Spain joined the French-American alliance the following year. Germany supplied paid soldiers, and the Dutch provided Americans with arms and ammunition, leading the British to declare war on the Netherlands in 1780. Meanwhile, the cessation of trade between the British West Indies and mainland North America led to a famine in the former region that most severely impacted enslaved Africans.
In 1778, the Crown sought compliance from the colonists by repealing all of the acts Parliament had imposed since 1763. The British refused, however, to recognize American independence. Henry Clinton, Howe’s successor, held on to New York City and pushed west. Much of the war had moved to the South, however, where British ministers sought to hold on to the southern colonies in an effort to restore the West Indies’ food supply.
In May 1779, Congress proposed enlisting 3,000 enslaved people from Georgia and South Carolina and freeing them in exchange for their service. John Adams believed that the measure would incur the wrath of South Carolina, and he was right. The state rejected the measure, and Henry Clinton captured Charleston in May 1780. The following year, with the hope of seizing the Chesapeake, British general Lord Cornwallis made Yorktown, Virginia, his naval base. American and French forces soon besieged the troops stationed there. Marquis de Lafayette led the French.
In 1782, the British fought in the Battle of the Saintes. Though they succeeded in defeating a French and Spanish invasion of Jamaica, the battle had shifted Britain’s priorities away from the American colonies. Around this time, about 75,000 loyalists left the country with the British. Between 15,000 to 20,000 of those who joined the exodus were formerly enslaved people, who left in what was “the largest emancipation in American history before Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation” (104). Armed slave patrols pursued the escaped slaves, capturing hundreds of men who had become Cornwallis’s soldiers, as well as their families. Among those captured were “two people owned by Washington and five owned by Jefferson” (104). Washington had asked colonists to keep what he called the “Book of Negroes” so that the owners of escaped slaves could later demand compensation from the British for lost property.
In defiance of the slave patrols, pregnant Black women ran toward British lines, in the hopes that their newborns would get freedom papers. Others leapt off docks and swam toward the longboats sailing toward British warships. British soldiers tried to hack off the fingers of swimmers who refused to let go of the already crowded boats. In January 1783, the Marquis de Lafayette wrote to Washington, suggesting that they free enslaved Black people, believing that the move could also lead to the end of slavery in the Caribbean. Washington wrote back, expressing a wish to discuss the plan.
In September 1783, the Treaty of Paris was signed, thereby ending the Revolutionary War. In the aftermath of the war, slave owners in the South, particularly South Carolina, gained political power while those in the West Indies lost it due to Britain’s decision to outlaw trade between the islands and the United States. The decision led to riots. Meanwhile, many freed slaves left the United States for the Caribbean. In Jamaica, the formerly enslaved began to demand the right to vote. After the treaty restored peace, George Washington rode to New York. The last British troops had departed from the city, though the last British ship remained.
In this chapter, Lepore describes the early skirmishes, debates, and battles for territory that led to the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. While American colonists struggled against some indigenous tribes and other colonists for territory, they also struggled against the Crown’s authority. Unjust taxes and a lack of autonomy were the colonists’ primary grievances, but their image of themselves in relation to the Crown was ironic. John Adams’s comparison of the colonists’ condition to that of Black Americans was startlingly oblivious, particularly in light of Adams’s antislavery sentiments. The colonists’ use of Mohawk headdresses during the Boston Tea Party was also ironic, considering that the Mohawk struggled against being encroached upon by white colonists. In sum, American colonists recognized the oppression of these groups, but failed both to take responsibility for that oppression and to empathize with it.
Relationships with the British government depended largely on both demographics and one’s position in the respective British colonies. While the American colonies struggled against Parliament, white settlers in the West Indies sought greater support from the British government, due to their fear of the Black population that overwhelmed them. Disparate political interests led to a severance of the American colonists’ relationship with colonists in the Caribbean. Enslaved Black people in the American colonies, on the other hand, found that British courts were more amenable to their desires for liberty than American courts. Another great irony was the American colonialists’ general belief that, while they deserved independence from British tyranny and were willing to enlist support from African Americans who served as soldiers, they had no obligation to examine their own relationship to slaveholding. Worse, their shifting of responsibility onto the British amounted to poor reasoning: If they were able to expand white male suffrage and reduce indentured servitude, two practices that were also legacies of British rule, they also had the ability to abolish slavery. Slaveholders, which included some Founding Fathers, were disinclined to go without the immense profits they reaped from slaveholding. Moreover, indentured servitude came with the obligation that, after a man’s time of indenture expired, he became entitled to his own parcel of land—a deal that would have led to increased competition in agriculture, as well as the inability of large planters to monopolize the market in cash crops.
The Revolutionary War also became an effort to temper the expansion of British powers, as other nations strategically aligned with the patriots. In the aftermath of the war, the Crown, in retaliation, severed trade relations between the US and the British West Indies. This decision likely helped distinguish the regions culturally, while also hurting the British Caribbean economically. The severance of trade relations also made the slave trade within the US a more provincial affair, leading to the rise of South Carolina as a political and economic powerhouse, due to its abilities to supply key cash crops and slaves.
Thirty-six-year-old James Madison arrived in Philadelphia on May 3, 1787, 11 days before the constitutional convention was set to start. He reviewed his notes on the organization of republics. George Washington arrived 10 days later and was greeted by crowds, the ringing of church bells, and a 13-gun salute. The following morning, Madison and Washington walked to the Pennsylvania State House together to attend the convention. Few of the delegates had arrived. Madison attended every day of the convention, which met from May 14 to September 17. He spent the summer taking notes of the congressional deliberations for Thomas Jefferson, who had left the country in 1784. More importantly, Madison was taking a record of how the constitution had been written.
Eleven of 13 states wrote constitutions in 1776 or 1777. Most state constitutions were drafted by their respective legislatures, while others were drafted by men “elected as delegates to special conventions” (111). New Hampshire was the first state to submit a constitution to its people for ratification. Numerous state constitutions, including those of Pennsylvania and Virginia, had a Declaration of Rights. Pennsylvania’s, written in September 1776, echoed the preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Massachusetts’s constitution validated the people’s right to revolt. In some states, legislatures lowered property qualifications for prospective voters. Most of them had arranged a government with three branches—a governor as the executive power, a superior court as judicial power, and both a Senate and House of Representatives as legislative powers. Pennsylvania’s constitution declared that every proposed legislation “had to be printed and distributed to the people” who would have up to a year to consider it (112). Vermont’s 1777 constitution contained a Declaration of Rights that banned slavery and placed an age limit on indentured servitude. This would have made Vermont the first state to abolish slavery, but it was an independent republic at the time. It would not become a state until 1791.
The delegates debated over how to apportion the tax burden—a matter that remained unresolved. They wondered, too, if slaves, for the purposes of taxation, should count as people or property. Madison, for a while, put the matter to rest by proposing that slaves would be rated as five to three. This came to be known as the Three-Fifths Compromise—a formula that would determine the outcomes of American elections for the next seven decades. Then there was the matter of the value of land. Acreage was an unsatisfactory measure because a field was clearly worth more than a bog.
By 1786, the continental government was nearly bankrupt and unable to pay back its creditors, particularly France and Holland. The states struggled, too. Though they had the power to levy taxes, they could not always collect them. In Massachusetts, farmers who failed to pay their taxes could lose their property. Many of those farmers had fought in the Revolutionary War. In August 1786, they decided to fight in protest against seizures of their property in what came to be known as Shay’s Rebellion. The armed farmers from western Massachusetts, led by veteran Daniel Shays, “blockad[ed] courthouses and seiz[ed] a federal armory” (116). In January 1787, the governor of Massachusetts sent a 3,000-man militia across the state in an effort to suppress the rebellion. The state, which had received no authority to act from the federal government, instituted martial law.
By May 1787, only about 30 delegates were usually on hand. On May 14, the day the convention was set to begin, hardly any delegates arrived. Benjamin Franklin and James Madison were in attendance. Additionally, four members of the Pennsylvania and Virginia delegations, respectively, were in town, including George Washington. Instead of revising the Articles of Confederation, the six men agreed to create a national government. The next day, Madison began writing what became known as the Virginia Plan.
On May 25, 1787, 29 delegates arrived at the convention and unanimously elected George Washington as president. They began deliberations in earnest on May 29 and agreed to keep them secret. Their most pressing problem was debt and an absence of revenue. Franklin argued that there should be no property requirement to vote. The new constitution also required that congressional representatives be paid. This way, the office would not be limited to the wealthy. Additionally, only a short residency would be required of immigrants before they, too, could run for office. They then wondered how to fairly apportion representation in Congress. The problem, Madison understood, was not only the size of the states but the nature of their respective populations. After the end of the American Revolution, the United States “had witnessed the largest importation of African slaves to the Americas in history—a million people over a single decade” (122). The slave population soared from half a million in 1776 to 700,000 by 1787. The banning of American merchants from West Indian ports encouraged a slave trade within the United States. As slave populations rose in Southern states, their populations fell in the North. By 1787, it had been abolished in New England and was becoming increasingly unpopular in New York and Pennsylvania. In Georgia and South Carolina, slavery was central to the states’ economies.
Slaves were critical in two calculations: the wealth they represented as chattel and their population as individuals. States with large numbers of slaves wanted them to count as people “for purposes of representation but not for purposes of taxation,” while non-slaveholding states wanted the opposite (124). A compromise was reached over slavery with the caveat that Congress would be prohibited from interfering with the trade for two decades. Madison would have preferred no mention of slavery in the Constitution at all. To some, the mention of slavery was incongruous with their mission: The delegates were present to build a republic, while there was “nothing more aristocratic than slavery” (126). Ultimately, the words “slave” and “slavery” appear nowhere in the final document, which amounts to an attempt to conceal the formation of a free government powered by slave labor.
The day after the constitutional convention adjourned, the document that had been kept secret from the public was printed in newspapers and on broadsheets. In The Federalist Papers, 85 essays published under the pen name Publius between October 1787 and May 1788, argued for the ratification of the Constitution. The debate around ratification spurred the development of the two-party system that persists to date. Those who supported ratification, the Federalists, stood opposed to the Anti-Federalists, who opposed ratification. It was all or nothing.
Anti-Federalists insisted that a republic had to be “small and homogeneous,” but the new nation was too big to support this form of government (129). They also believed that the Constitution was too difficult to read, making it inaccessible to the common man. Nevertheless, ratification moved forward. By January 1788, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania had ratified the document. Massachusetts voted in favor in February after Federalists promised to “propose a bill of rights at the first session of the new Congress” (130). Next were Maryland in April, South Carolina in May, and New Hampshire in June. Three weeks later, New York joined the coterie and ratified by the narrowest of margins.
The First Congress convened in New York’s city hall on March 4, 1789. It had been renamed Federal Hall to fit its new purpose. It was redesigned by French-American engineer and architect Pierre Charles L’Enfant, who would later design the nation’s capital. The new hall also ushered in a new architectural style: Federal.
The new president was inaugurated on April 30, though no one new how Washington, who ran unopposed, was going to assume office. A congressional committee decided that he should take an oath of office on a Bible. At midday, before a crowd, Washington took the first oath of office. After he was sworn in, he entered Federal Hall and read a speech written by Alexander Hamilton, in which he declared that the preservation of the republic rested in the hands of the American people.
The Constitution says little about the president’s duties. Article II, Section 2 establishes the president as commander in chief of the army and navy, but the document does not require a cabinet. Nevertheless, Congress established numerous departments and Washington appointed secretaries to each. The Department of State was headed by Thomas Jefferson, who became secretary of state; Alexander Hamilton led the Department of Treasury; and Henry Knox headed the Department of War.
The new government’s most pressing order was the drafting of a bill of rights. Madison presented the House of Representatives with 12 amendments on June 8. Article III, Section 1 set up the judicial power and the Supreme Court. Washington signed the Judiciary Act on September 24, 1789, which set the number of justices at six, defined the court’s authority, and created the office of attorney general. The Supreme Court did not meet in Federal Hall, but in a room on the second floor of the Merchants’ Exchange. On the first day in court, only three justices showed up, leading the court to adjourn. The day after Washington signed the Judiciary Act, Congress sent Madison’s prospective bill of rights to the states for ratification.
Meanwhile, Congress once again took up the question of slavery. On February 11, 1790, a group of Quakers urged Congress to stop the importation of slaves and to slowly emancipate those already held in bondage. After a few hours of debate, Congress sent the petitions to a committee, though Southern delegates delayed it. William Loughton Smith of South Carolina expounded for two hours, arguing that emancipation would result in intermarriage and the extinction of the white race.
In West Africa, the new colony of Sierra Leone was being settled. The first expedition sailed from London in May 1787. They founded a capital and elected the Philadelphian Richard Weaver, a Revolutionary War veteran and runaway slave, as their governor. Five months later, 122 of the settlers died from famine and disease. Others were kidnapped and sold back into slavery.
Back in New York, the congressional committee charged with responding to the antislavery petitions “forbade Congress from outlawing the slave trade until 1808” (136). It also assumed the power to tax the slave trade heavily enough to discourage it and, ultimately, to end it. Finally, the report declared that Congress had no authority to interfere with the emancipation of slaves or their treatment. The resolution passed along sectional lines. The issue of slavery was not to be revisited until 1808.
On December 15, 1971, 10 of the 12 amendments that Madison had drafted were approved by the necessary three-quarters of states. The ratified amendments became the Bill of Rights, which is a list of powers that Congress does not have.
During Washington’s first term, Alexander Hamilton proposed that the federal government assume responsibility both for its own debts and for those incurred by the states by establishing a national bank. Congress passed a bill in February 1790 establishing a national bank for 10 years. Jefferson believed that the plan violated the 10th Amendment. Since the Constitution does not explicitly grant Congress the power to establish a federal bank, and the 10th Amendment says that all powers not granted to Congress are held either by the states or the people, Congress, Jefferson concluded, could not create a national bank. Washington signed the bill anyway, thereby setting a precedent for interpreting the Constitution broadly. States such as Virginia and Maryland that had already paid off their war debts resented bearing a tax burden incurred by states like Massachusetts and South Carolina, which had not paid their debts.
The next question concerned where the government should permanently meet. Hamilton supported a plan to place the nation’s capital in the South, in exchange for Madison’s support for his federal plan for the federal government to take on states’ war debts. In July 1790, states voted to establish the capital “on a ten-mile square stretch of riverland along the Potomac River” (139). It would be called Washington.
Part of Hamilton’s economic plan included raising tariffs—taxes on imported goods. Jefferson worried that Hamilton’s plan would encourage speculation, and it did. Hamilton believed speculation was necessary for economic growth. In 1792, speculation led to the nation’s first financial panic. One of the effects of the Panic of 1792 led Hamilton to decide that “the United States should have unshakable credit” (141). Debtors’ prison was replaced by bankruptcy protection, spurring investments and other risk-taking. The panic also “led New York brokers to sign an agreement banning private bidding on stocks,” a decision that founded the New York Stock Exchange (141).
Haiti, then called Saint-Domingue, was both the Caribbean’s largest and richest colony. It was also France’s most important colony, due to it being the leading producer of sugar and coffee. Haiti exported almost as much sugar as Cuba, Brazil, and Jamaica combined. Haiti was home to 452,000 enslaved people, 28,000 free people of color, and 40,000 white people. The nation contained half the slave population of the West Indies. Ironically, the revolutionary events that unfolded in Haiti mirrored those that had occurred in France in 1789. During the Reign of Terror that ensued in the summer of 1794, over 1,300 people were executed. While the French Revolution seemed never-ending, the Haitian Revolution sparked fear among Americans. The Haitians were first led by a man named Boukman. When he died, they were led by a former slave named Toussaint L’Ouverture. It was the second war for independence that had taken place in North America. American newspapers, however, reported on it as a kind of killing frenzy. Jefferson called the Haitians “cannibals.” Between 1791 and 1793, the US sold “arms and ammunition and gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in aid to French planters on the island” (143).
In September 1796, Americans found out that George Washington, then 64, would not run for a third term. The public was astonished. He knew that he would set the precedent that no president should hold office forever. In his Farewell Address, Washington warned about “the danger of disunion” (146). He did not believe that the regions of the United States should see their interests as disparate or competing. He also warned that political parties were the “worst enemy” of any government, as they only worked to agitate communities and kindled animosity. The American experiment would survive, he believed, as long as the American public were religious and moral and well educated.
As the Washingtons prepared to leave the nation’s capital, some of their slaves escaped to the North. One of them, Ona Judge, had been intended as a gift to Martha Washington’s granddaughter. When the Washingtons were unsuccessful in returning her by slave catcher, Judge sent word to Washington that she would only return to Mount Vernon if she were freed. Washington refused, believing that, by granting her manumission, he would set a “dangerous precedent.”
On December 12, 1799, Washington fell ill. Two days later, while lying in his bedchamber, he asked his wife to bring him two wills. In his second will, which he had written that summer, he had decided to free all of his slaves after his wife’s death. Washington’s will was published in newspapers throughout the union, and everyone on Mount Vernon knew its terms. His wife, knowing that the slaves’ freedom was contingent upon her death, feared for her life.
The nation fell into mourning upon George Washington’s death. His Farewell Address was reprinted and even stitched into pillows. James Madison, meanwhile, kept safe the notes he had taken at the constitutional convention—“the story of how the Constitution had been written, and of its fateful compromises” (149).
In this chapter, Lepore depicts how the Constitution is key to the United States’ foundational narrative—arguably, more so than England’s Magna Carta, as the United States’ beginning is marked by the Constitution’s ratification. Two key protagonists in the nation’s founding are James Madison and George Washington. Lepore presents the former as a meek intellectual, while the latter is depicted as a hero who was lauded for both his military prowess and towering physical presence.
Early debates on the construction of the federal government focused on the statuses of white women, enslaved Black people, and the property requirements for white male suffrage. The abolition of slavery in Northern states led to key political and ideological distinctions between the regions. A central question, too, hovered over the new republic: Is it possible to have a free nation whose economy is powered largely by slave labor? The Founding Fathers’ response was to avoid any mention of slavery in the Constitution—a denial of the nation’s foundational hypocrisy by feigning ignorance.
During this period, the two-party system also arose. Ideological differences between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists ensued, leading to arguments over a large, centralized government versus a smaller one that retained state autonomy, and the inclusion of a bill of rights in the Constitution. The national character also emerged through its early architecture and the planning of the new capital, which had a strong French influence. There was less organization, however, concerning the formation of the Supreme Court.
While the United States was recognized by Europe, the West was unable to see Haiti’s freedom struggle as congruous with those of the American colonists and the French poor. This denial of Haitian independence and disrespect for its people underscores the inextricability of race from emerging ideas about citizenship, freedom, and political autonomy.
President Washington’s aversion to political parties may have been connected to a wish to avoid anything that would sow national discord. This, too, may have partly explained his aversion to dealing with slavery as a political issue, despite his increasing ambivalence about the feasibility and righteousness of maintaining the institution. Here, Lepore also briefly describes Martha Washington’s own power as a slaveholder. Martha had first been married to man named Daniel Parke Custis who was one of the wealthiest planters in Virginia before his death. Slaves who belonged to the Custis estate were returned to that family after Martha’s death. She did, however, own one slave on her own whom she refused to manumit. After her death, he became the property of a grandson. The elevation of Washington to an almost sacred status, despite his seeming indifference to the well-being of the hundreds of men, women, and children who labored for him and his family on Mount Vernon, reveals the nation’s willingness, since its nascence, to overlook and even tolerate serious moral flaws in its leadership.
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